This youtube streamer made $10 US million in 2018.
Who is Ninja?
This building on Shelter Island has just had a new edition but is very old.
What is the Shelter Island Historical Society?
This sport has the most participants.
What is Fishing?
How do you know whats good for me?
What is thats my opinion
Is Fortnight dead?
What is no
This gold coin will get you one ride to Greenport.
What is a Token.
When was the first Olympics (month date year)
April 6th 1896
The confused Mr. Krabbs meme went viral in what year?
What is 2016
When did the Sims 4 Launch?
What is 2014
What was the Shelter Island population in 2017 (approximate answers are limited to 100 numbers off)
What is the Least popular sport
What is Kabadi
When did Vine die? (need month date and year)
What is January 7th 2017