What's strange about the beginning of the Sefer
"...ואלה שמות"?
It begins with "and".
According to Ramban, when did the Galut begin?
When the Shvatim started walking down to Egypt.
What did we title this Pasuk?
הנה עם בנ״י רב ועצום ממנו
According to Ramban, when did the Galut officially end?
When the Jews built the Mishkan
In this phrase, לו can refer to which two people?
"הבא נתכחמה לו"
a) The Jews
Why are there 6 different words relating to the Jews increasing in number in Egypt? (Baal Haturim)
They were having 6 children per pregnancy.
What's the conncetion between Bereshit and Shemot?
Bereshit is when everything is hinted and Shemot is when it begins to happen
What is a second name for Sefer Shemot?
ואלה שמות
When did Galut end according to the Ramban?
When the Mishkan was built
Provide an example of someone and their child who embody this line.
חושך שבטו שונא בנו
Yitzchak + Esav
David + Avshalom
What did we learn about the fact that Paroh used the name Bnei Yisrael when doing his propaganda? What was he trying to say?
Yaakov got his name when he fought with the angel and won so Paroh is saying they are a nation who will fight us and win.
Why does the Torah repeat the names of the Shvatim that came down to Egypt?
To show Hashem's love for them- compared to stars that Hashem names them when He puts them into the world and when He takes them out.
According to one of the opinions we learned, what does it mean that Paroh didn't know Yosef?
-He didn't know what happened to Yosef that the brothers tried to go around Hashem's plan but it didn't work.
-He pretended not to know Yosef.
Who from Modern times did we compare Paroh to and why?
Hitler, because he outsmarted the Jews in the same way.
"כשמת יוסף הפרו ברית מילה"
?What was Hashem's response to this
He made the Egyptians hate them so the Jews would do Teshuva.
How does Rashbam explain what "פרו" means?
The women became pregnant
How does Rashi compare the Jews to stars?
Just like Hashem calls the stars by names when He puts them into the world and takes them out, so too for the Shavtim.
In trying to outsmart Hashem, what fact was Paroh missing in his logic?
That Hashem only promised he wouldn't destroy the whole world with water.
Why did Paroh need to outsmart the Jews and not just tell the Egyptians to kill them?
He wanted to do it in a way so that the Jews wouldn't realize what was happening until it was too late.
Where did we see the phrase להודיע חיבתו״"?
When Hashem compares the Jews to the stars. It means to show His love for them.
What is so significant about the word הנה in the pasuk
הנה עם בנ״י רב ועצום ממנו?
That's how Paroh begins his propaganda. He makes the Egyptians scrutinize the Jews so that everything they do seems bad.
Why does the Torah repeat that Yosef was in Egypt? We already knew that.
What is a proof found in the story of Pesach, that the Jews were assimilated.
Hashem passed over the houses of the Jews because they lived amongst the non-jews!
What proof is there that Hashem remained with the Jews despite their assimilation?
The were multiplying at an abnormal rate!
What two answers does Rashi give to ויקם מלך חדש?
1. A new king
2.Same king but changed his laws