Bene Yisrael lose the battle against the Pelishtim how many times?
What is strange about how the messenger is telling Eli the news
He is not telling him about the Aron first
What is the name of the baby in this perek? What does it mean?
איכבוד= The glory of Hashem is gone
Why did lose?=לָמָּה נְגָפָנוּ
זקנים אל בני״
The messanger
How do the Pelishtim feel after the act of Bene Yisrael
They freak out and feel defeated
Why is the messenger telling Eli the news like this?
He wants to ease him into the tough news. Not to hurt him right away.
אוֹי לָנוּ=Woe to us
Bene Yisrael
וַיֹּאמֶר מֶה־הָיָה הַדָּבָר בְּנִי=What happened my son?
עלי אל מבשר
Where is the messenger coming from?
How does Eli react to the news? What ends up happening to him?
1. He falls backwards on his chair
2. He dies immediately because his neck bone breaks
Each man went to his home=וַיָּנֻסוּ אִישׁ לְאֹהָלָי
Bene Yisrael
גָּלָה כָבוֹד מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל=A heavy hit is on Israel
אשת פינחס אל כולם
His Daughter in Law
What happened after the first battle, explain!
The elders give advice to BY that they should bring the Aron with them to battle as a form of help.
Who does the messenger speak to afterwards?
Pinchas' wife
קְרֻעִים בגדים וַאֲדָמָה עַל־רֹאשׁ=Tore clothing and dust on his head
מבשר= messenger
And they traveled/fled
List the three main events that happen the second battle
1. Bene Yisrael flee from battle
2. Chofni & Pinchas pass away
3. The Aron HaKodesh is stolen
What is the order of news he brings to Pinchas' wife?
1. The Aron was stolen
2. Her FIL passed away
3. The Aron was stolen
וְהוּא שָׁפַט אֶת־יִשְׂרָאֵל אַרְבָּעִים שָׁנָה=And he judged Israel for 40 years