This campaign was the most destructive during the Civil War.
Sherman’s March to the Sea
Sherman led his troops using this strategy, which involves destroying everything in their path.
Total War
Sherman’s March weakened this aspect of the South, making it harder to continue fighting.
What is the economy?
This Union general led the March to the Sea.
William T. Sherman
Sherman famously said he would make this state "howl."
Sherman’s March began in this city on November 21, 1864.
Sherman used this specific tactic, which involved burning crops, railroads, and factories.
Scorched Earth Method
The march inflicted this amount of damage on Georgia
What is $100 million?
This Union general received a telegram from Sherman about his plans to march.
Ulysses S. Grant
Sherman’s campaign proved that attempting to hold Georgia’s roads would lead to this many Union casualties per month.
What is a thousand?
The march ended in this city on December 21, 1864
This was the primary goal of Sherman’s March.
What is to demoralize the South by destroying its capacity and will to fight?
Sherman’s March crippled much of Georgia’s network of these.
What are railways?
Sherman’s forces reached and captured this city in mid-December 1864.
Sherman claimed that without this, Georgia was "useless to occupy."
What is repopulation?
Sherman rejected a Union plan to move through this state and instead headed for Savannah.
The total number of men Sherman took on the march.
What is 62,000?
The destruction of Georgia’s cities and resources contradicted this promise made by the Confederate government
What is protection for the people?
Sherman’s March demonstrated that this type of warfare could be an effective strategy in modern conflicts.
What is targeting civilian infrastructure?
What was the name of the confederate leader during this attack.
General Hood
After capturing Atlanta, Sherman spent several weeks doing this before starting the march.
What is making preparations for a change of base to the coast?
Sherman’s campaign proved that targeting this, rather than just armies, could force an enemy to surrender.
What is infrastructure and supplies?
This was the main reason Sherman wanted to completely destroy Georgia’s infrastructure
What is to cripple the Confederacy’s military resources?
This type of food source sustained Sherman’s army as they moved through Georgia.
What is foraging?
Sherman’s tactics influenced modern warfare by proving that targeting this could lead to total victory.
What is an enemy’s infrastructure and supplies?