This one syllable name sits right between "Sherry" and "Bortnick"
What is: Lee
This color shirt is a must-have for Sherry's daily wear
What is: White
This is the only food Sherry will not eat
What is: Liver
These two apps are Sherry's favorite to scroll in the morning
What are: Instagram and TikTok
These 3 men are Sherry's nutty brothers
Who is: Ruben, Gary, and Bill
These little creatures will cause Sherry to scream and run
What are: Lizards
This essential seasoning is Sherry's favorite condiment
What is: salt
If you're craving something carby for brunch, you'll run into Sherry and Glenn here
What is: Goldberg's
This opera-like male singer is one of Sherry's all-time favorites
Who is: Josh Groban
You won't catch Sherry driving if there's a ___ on the route
What is: a bridge
This tart treat is always Sherry's choice of dessert
What is: Key lime pie
Before bed you might find Sherry drinking this beverage
What is: Wine
Sherry has lived in these 3 states
What is: Florida, Georgia, and New York
According to IMDB, Sherry once starred as what character in a movie?
What is a: Party Girl
What are: Meatballs and onions
This calming exercise is one of Sherry's favorite way to get movement
What is: Walking
Sherry finds this wrinkly type of dog the cutest
What are: Shar Peis
Sherry can't stand when people play with this body part in public
What are: feet/toes
This nutty ice cream flavor made Sherry say no to a second date
What is: Pistachio
Prior to a fight about cilantro, you could catch Sherry here before making dinner most nights
Finster Murphy's