This animal helps pull Santa's sleigh
You're on thin ___
What form of precipitation consists of ice pellets, often mixed with rain or snow?
If you lay in the snow and move your arms and legs up and down, what will you make?
snow angel
What comes in pairs and might be made of leather or wool?
This cold weather bird looks like it's wearing a tuxedo
I slept so well last night, I was out ___
What is the temperature based on how much heat you lose from wind and cold air?
Wind chill
This is something you make out of 3 snowballs, coal, buttons, carrot and a hat.
a snow man
What temperature does water freeze at?
What is it called when an animal sleeps all winter long and wakes up in the spring?
That's just the tip of the ____
How many sides does a snowflake have?
What winter activity involves sliding on the ice wearing special shoes that have blades?
Ice skating
This event marks the shortest day of the year, usually occurs around December 21st or 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere. What is the scientific term for this celestial event?
Winter Solstice
An arctic fox turns this colour in the winter, in order to camouflage better
To not talk to someone is to give them the
A winter storm characterized by a rapid drop in atmospheric pressure and a drastic increase in snowfall is often referred to as what type of storm?
Bomb Cyclone
If a surf board is used on water what do they call a board used on snow?
Known for its vibrant colors, this astronomical phenomenon occurs in the polar regions during January. What is the name of this natural light display?
Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights
Instead of building a nest, where do Emperor penguins incubate their eggs?
On the tops of their feet. The male penguins incubate the eggs for 62-67 days.
If you are sick, you might say you're feeling
Under the weather
The Beaufort Scale is used to measure and classify the intensity of what specific weather phenomenon?
Wind Speed
This winter sport involves sliding headfirst on a small sled down a narrow, twisting, banked ice track. What is the name of this thrilling sport?
Easily recognizable in the winter sky, this constellation, named after a mythical hunter, includes the famous stars Betelgeuse and Rigel. What is the name of this winter constellation?