Vocabulary & Morph Awareness
Reading Comprehension
Prag/Social Language

True or false: IEPs have to be reviewed during a CSE meeting at least one time per two school years.

False: IEPs should be reviewed at least once PER year.


Vocabulary size is highly correlated to: 

a) pragmatic strengths

b) reading comprehension skills

c) neither of the above

Answer: B


List and describe the first level of reading comprehension.

"Learning to Read" - child is using most of their cognitive resources to decode. Their comprehension of written language is generally much lower than their spoken language comprehension.

Which develops first: story retells or generative stories?

Story retells


Define: neurodiversity

There is a wide range of how individual brains function. We must recognize the diversity of human cognition as a biological fact. Often this term is used when referring to ASD, but it encompasses all neurodivergencies.


True or false: students with IEPs must have areas of need reevaluated biennially.

False: reevaluations must occur TRIENNIALLY (or sooner, if needed)



At what age does vocabulary development cease?

Trick question! It doesn't. Even as adults, we can continue to grow and cultivate our vocabulary.


True or false: "Disciplinary Reading" is considered the second level of reading comprehension and generally occurs from third grade onward.

FALSE. "Reading to Learn" is the second level of reading comprehension and occurs ~ 3rd grade onward.


True or false: when providing narrative intervention, you should read the story in its entirety prior to dissecting and analyzing the text with the student.

TRUE. Read the complete text to give the student as much context as possible prior to unpacking and reconstructing the story together.


List one reason why you want to observe your student in at least two different settings during your social assessment.

- different settings require different skills

- different communication partners require different skills

-different tasks require different skills

-comfortability may vary based on setting


Name 3 of the 14 classification categories for IEP qualification.

  1. Autism
  2. Deaf-blindness
  3. Deafness
  4. Developmental delay (DD)
  5. Emotional disturbance (ED)
  6. Hearing impairment
  7. Intellectual disability
  8. Multiple disabilities (MDS)
  9. Orthopedic impairment
  10. Other health impairment (OHI)
  11. Specific learning disability (SLD)
  12. Speech or language impairment
  13. Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  14. Visual impairment, including blindness

Name the current gold standard theory to creating strong, skilled readers.

Scarborough's Reading Rope


List two strategies to implement before reading a text.

-look for relationships across topics

-recall related info/experiences

-predict the difficulty level of the text

-identify author's purpose

-identify the reader's potential purpose/reason to be interested in the text


True or False: When targeting narrative skills, you should use multiple exemplars to promote metalinguistics and generalization.

True! Use several different stories, as opposed to one or two, with the same story grammar elements to teach those skills.


When informally assessing social skills, the "ILAUGH" model can help provide a framework for our assessment. Choose one letter from the acronym and tell us what it means.

I- initiating

L- listening w/eyes & brain

A- Abstracting & inferencing

U- Understanding perspective

G- Getting the big picture

H- Humor & relationships


Name one way that a student can qualify for 12-month services on an IEP.

-those with management needs that are highly intensive with a focus on life skills and who are placed in special classes

-those with severe multiple disabilities, whose programs focus on life skills and are placed in special classes

-those who receive home and/or hospital special education instruction or those in seven-day residential programs

-those who, because of their disabilities, exhibit substantial regression during the regular 10-month provision of services


Name the two skill sets that are "interwoven" for the development of literacy.

1. Language Comprehension

2. Word Recognition


List two strategies to implement after reading a text.

-review main idea


-ask yourself what you've learned

-ID most important parts

-Clarify any abstract/confusing points

-Relate what you learned to other experiences

-Eval new info with prior knowledge

-Reread anything unclear


What is the name of the old, but still relevant and popular model of story structure?

Stein & Glenn's Model of Story Grammar


List two components of an effective social skills group.

  • Structure and predictability

  • Break down abstract social concepts -> concrete actions

  • Simplify language and group children by language level

  • Work in pairs or groups -> cooperation and partnership is encouraged

  • Multiple and varied learning opportunities

  • Foster self-awareness and self-esteem

  • Provide opportunities for practice & generalization
