This leader is most well known for his brutal tactics in both war and civics, sending millions to die on the eastern front and millions more to die in the gulags.
Who is Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili.
Joseph Stalin.
Although initially rejected by the United States due to the ongoing civil war, Russia eventually sold this territory to the United States for $7.2M.
What is Alaska.
This is the main corporation the player fights against in early Resident Evil games.
What is the Umbrella Corporation.
In Episode IV, A New Hope, the protagonist Luke is living with these members of his family.
Who are his Aunt and Uncle
Specifically Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru
Spyro the Dragon 3 came out in this year.
What is the year 2000.
In Chinese history, The Great Wall was built to keep this people out of China.
Who are the Xiongnu
The Huns
Known as the largest country by population, This country exists in a highly defensible region of the world, yet often is subject to internal strife and conflict.
What is China
This character was a general villain of the Resident Evil franchise until he stopped appearing after Resident Evil V.
Who is Albert Wesker.
This place is the location where Darth Vader lures the main Rebel forces into a trap they only narrowly escape from.
What is Cloud City.
This is the Square Root of -100.
What is 10i.
This historic empire after it's unequivocal rise to power over the middle east saw a vast period of decline from the European powers before finding itself as a member in the Central Alliance.
This country exists in not solely Europe, but also holds its longest border in South America.
What is France.
This virus has a major role in Resident Evil IV but is solely mentioned over the course of Resident Evil V in various lore sectionals.
What is the Las Plagas virus.
By what was Anakin born?
What is the Will of the Force
These types of shortform jokes are spread rapidly in Image or Video form.
What are Memes.
The famous battle of Hastings, which ensured the English crown was granted to William of Normandy took place in this year.
What is 1066.
Although being under Prussian, then German control for a majority of its modern history, This region has been predominantly Russian and owned by Russia since 1945.
What is Konigsberg
What is Kaliningrad
This infection, which isn't really mentioned until Resident Evil VII, actually existed well before Resident Evil's main series as a whole.
What is the Mold.
This cellular organism is the thing that generates a force user's ability to wield the force.
What are Midichlorians.
This is an object which is most commonly used in warfare throughout history.
What is the Polearm.
This person in Chinese history is most famous for having been the infamous pirate queen.
Who is Zheng Yi Sao
Although subject primarily to testing and not done under stress of war, this former Soviet state was nuked over 400 times.
What is Kazakhstan.
This plant was the origin of the Progenitor virus which other viruses such as the Uroboros virus derived.
What is the Stairway of the Sun flower.
This character is uniquely important in Palpatine's rise to power over the galactic senate, arguing for emergency powers to be granted.
Who is Jar Jar Binks.
This was the name of the rocket that was used in the Apollo 11 moon landing.
What is the Saturn V.