In Chapter One, the reader meets Abe Ward. Ward is
Who is an FBI agent?
The narrator of the novel is...
Who is Chris Collins
When the struggle is found outside a character this is known as ____________________ conflict.
What external?
Jennifer Bradbury has structured her novel Shift in a very peculiar way. The first chapter starts in the present and the very next chapter takes place in the past. In storytelling, what literary device allows for switching from present to past?
What is a flashback?
Friendship is valuable. This is a theme expressed and explored in Chris's newfound friendship at Georgia Tech. Who is his new friend?
Who is Vanti?
What did Abe Ward want from Chris?
What is, what happened to Win?
Who are the two main characters in the novel?
Who is Chris and Win
When the struggle is found within a character this is known as ____________________ conflict.
What is internal?
What literary element is included in the italicized sentence below?
My legs began to itch from the inside out...Anytime I have that feeling, I know something is big on the horizon. The sensation is as reliable as the smell of rain before a storm.
What is a simile?
Friendship is valuable. This is a theme expressed and illustrated when Chris finally finds Win. Chris finds Win in _______________________.
What is Montana?
Why does Win stop using his credit card?
What is, he doesn't want his activities to be traced?
Abe Ward is an FBI agent tasked to find Win. This statement is true or false?
What is True?
To Chris, Abe Ward presents as an internal or external conflict.
What is external?
What literary element is included in the passage below?
I had to start carrying my cell phone. Mom had probably a couple of messages on it already. She was pretty thorough when she got panicky, and lately, she panicked a lot.
What is conflict?
Our families and friends influence our identity, choices in life, and how we grow is a theme illustrated between Chris and his father. After Chris speaks to his father, regarding Win's whereabouts he takes a _______________ to find Win.
What is Bus?
Who is Tricksey H.?
Who is Win?
Whose family had a tradition of going to Dartmouth College?
Who are the Coggins?
What conflict is revealed in the below excerpt?
"I think you'd better start from the beginning, Chris," Abe Ward said as he settled back into the sofa...
What is external conflict, Man vs. Man?
What literary element is included in the italicized sentence below?
That's the thing with Coggans. He never came out and said anything. It was like talking to the wind. Things kept changing direction so fast that I'm still not sure if I got fired or promoted.
What is a simile?
The theme of Friendship is valuable is illustrated when Chris notices a word cut from a bumper sticker glued to a map held by Win in a picture. The word is...
What is Thanks?
What was the last gift that Win gave to Chris?
What is a slideshow of their trip?
Win's girlfriend is
Who is Danielle?
What type of conflict is the below passage?
But instead of waiting to ask him, something made me shove the money back into the bag. I tucked it into his pannier, approximately where he'd had it stashed, and put the jar of salsa and bagels on top.
What is internal conflict, Man vs. Self?
What literary element is included in the passage below?
I ground him into the floor, edging the other shoulder down, that preacher's words echoing in my head. Jacob had to wrestle with that angel! And he was changed! The walls of the barn seemed to close in around me as I bore down.
What is an allusion?
The theme that sometimes we need to take a journey in life to discover ourselves fits Chris very well. At the end of the novel, Chris is told that his name suits him because Saint Christopher is the patron saint of
What are travelers?