book parts
Prairie life

Author and illustrator of Shifting Ground

Jeanie Stewart-author

illustrated by Ken Stetz


Give three attributes (a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something.) of Davy

Davy is 14 years old

takes on Dad role

Believes in family

Is tougher (physically and mentally)than he thinks


define Argue

malaria or some other illness involving fever and shivering.
"as our ancestors knew, the bitter-tasting bark of the willow tree was a cure against the “ague” or malaria"

  • a fever or shivering fit.
    plural noun: agues


Beds were often made of hay stuffed in quilts.

What figurative language saying came from this:

(meaning go to bed)

Hit the Hay


What two big natural events happened in Davy's area where he was living.


  • A series of earthquakes occurred near New Madrid, Missouri between December 1811 and February 1812. The earthquakes caused widespread damage, including riverbank caving and landslides.
  • The earthquakes were part of the New Madrid Seismic Zone, a region with a high risk of earthquakes.


True facts about 1811

  • The Great Comet of 1811, also known as C/1811 F1, was visible to the naked eye for about 260 days. This was the longest recorded period of visibility until Comet Hale–Bopp in 1997.

Why is the book called Shifting Ground?

One of the main conflicts is an earthquake


three attributes of Mikona:

She is Shawnee

Davy's step mom and Pauline's mom

She is a good mother


define swamp fever

  1. a contagious viral disease of horses that causes anemia and emaciation and is usually fatal.

  2. 2.dated



Why was it scary for Davy when his step mother became ill?

His father and sister's died after getting ill.

He knew very little about sicknesses

There was often no cure but death.


Due to the unrest in 1811 between two parties there was a war in 1812.  Who were the two groups of people?

 the real causes of the war of 1812, were not merely commerce and neutral rights, but also western expansion, relations with American Indians, and territorial control of North America.


What point of view  is the book written:

In the first person POV, your narrator might say, 'I've come to this coffee shop so often, the barista knows me. ' Your narrator in the second person POV might say something like this, 'You've come to this coffee shop so often, the barista knows you. ' The third person POV knows what all the characters are thinking.

In first-person narration, the narrator is a person in the story, telling the story from their own point of view. The narration usually utilizes the pronoun I (or we, if the narrator is speaking as part of a group).


Attributes of Davy's brother Hank:

He is selfish

He is all about the adventure

He is short sighted to what is important in life.


Define Pemmican

  1. a paste of dried and pounded meat mixed with melted fat and other ingredients, originally made by North American Indians and later adapted by Arctic explorers.


Where did Davy's family get Pauline's cradle, table, chairs from?

Davy's father made them.


Why did Hank want to leave his family?

He wanted to be a boatman and look for adventures.


Where does the family move to at the end of the story?

In 1811, New Madrid was located in Missouri, near the junction of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. It was the epicenter of a series of earthquakes that occurred between December 1811 and February 1812.


three attributes of Doc Tinker:

He is a dad and husband

He helps the sick

He knew it was an equake and what to do


Define omen

an event regarded as a portent of good or evil.
"the ghost's appearance was an ill omen"


Why did Davy walk to town.

In 1811 there are no cars, there are trains but they would not go to town. Some had horses and some people can't afford a horse or feed them.


Why did Davy and his family have to move on to New Madrid?

Equake destroyed the area they were living in.


Who do you consider the toughest character in our story.  Why?

Davy- he fights to keep the family safe from everything taking on the dad role.


Three attributes of Davy's father

He was a great dad making a home for his family built many things in the home.

He remarried to Mikona and they had Pauline together.

He was a proud prairie homesteader who wanted to be able to do all on their own. 


Bank the fire-define

Banking a fire means to smother the flames with ash and embers to preserve heat. This method is useful when you want to save a fire so you can use it again later.


How did Hank pack up his belongings to leave?

Put all of his stuff on a blanket and pulled up the corners and took it.


To start again what would you need in 1811.

 Seeds for the garden, purchasing or barder animals, food for the animals, water source, fencing, building outbuildings, equipment (knives or guns, saw, axe)

Taking care of crops and livestock, in particular, are time-consuming and physically demanding tasks,
