What protects us?
A seatbelt worn correctly
Does it matter where in line you are to get a plate of food?
No. there is enough for everyone. In other words don't run and push to get in line!
What are the 3 options for worship?
Sit quitely, sit and sing, stand and sing
When answering a question we do what?
Raise Hands and sit quietly until called on
How is your mask worn?
Over your nose and mouth at all times
If you are 8 and Under
You have to sit in a Booster Seat.
Do you get up and go play once you are done eating?
No. We stay at the table until everyone is done eating or Mrs. Heather tells you to get up.
Where do we do worship?
In the main room
If you need to go to the restroom
either raise your hand and ask when called on or do the sign language sign until told to go
Do we take things that belong to someone else like a cellphone?
If it is dark out when leaving
Turn on 1 light per row.
What do you do with your plate and cup when you done eating?
Throw it away and any crumps on the table/floor around you.
Do we ever touch the air purifier?
Do we hit, punch, slap, kick, use bad language, or say mean things?
No. And the first 4 things can get you sent home immediately.
When entering and exiting the van at home/church.
Don't climb over the seats
Do you have to eat everything to get dessert?
No, but Mrs. Heather or Mrs. Melissa has the right to say whether you ate enough for dessert.
How do we show respect to the praise team?
By singing or listening to them, learning the songs, and being attentive, not doing your own thing
What is the best way to show respect in the classroom?
Not talk while someone else is talking.
What is the difference between telling on someone and tattling on them?
Telling - Trying to keep yourself or others safe and needing an adult to solve the problem.
Tattling - to get someone else in trouble and no one is hurt or in danger.
Seatbelts come off when
The van is in park!
Can dessert get taken away due to behavior?
Always. Dessert is a privilege.
What are the names of the people on the praise team?
Patrick, Jordon, Joseph, Lydia
no. Stay in your spot and leave hands, feet, elbows, and any thing else to yourself.
What is Mrs. Heather's Husbands Name and what does he do for us?
Mr. Jordon and he plays guitar and sings for us.