Which of these five techniques is shown here?
In what language is this bible:
La Sacra Bibla : Quai Ais Tuot La Sancta Scrittüra: In La Quala Sun Comprais Tuots Cudeschs dal Velg è Nouf Testamaint : Cun l'aggiunta dall' Apocrifa?
Is this Codex Argenteus heavier or lighter than 5 pounds?
Heavier, 8.37 lbs.
Which of these five techniques is shown here?
Wrap in bubble wrap
In what language is this Bible:
La Bible en la quelle sont contenus tous les livres canoniques, de la saincte escriture, tant du vieil que du nouveau Testament : et pareillement les Apocryphes.?
Is this Latin Psalter heavier or lighter than 5 lbs?
Lighter, 1.4 lbs.
Which of these five techniques is shown here?
Labeling the Bible
In what language is this bible:
Psalter : Latijn un duytsch [The Paslter]?
Low German
Is this Neus Testament, Lektionar Nikodemus-Evangelium heavier or lighter than 5 lbs?
Lighter, 4.11 lbs.
Which of these five techniques is shown here?
All done!
In what language is this Bible:
Gustav Vasa's Bible?
Is this Bibel, Alt und New Testament by Johan Ecken heavier or lighter than 5 lbs?
Lighter, 3.82 lbs.