What is the maximum number of orders I can ship at once? OR How many orders can go on a SCAN form?
Fee per Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime Label
Auto print packing slips
What is a commonly requested rule we cannot write?
On packing slips and email templates
Where do images from the image gallery get used in the app?
A downloaded application that directly prints labels, packing slips, and pick lists from the app to your printer.
What is ConnectEasy?
Shipment History or Ready to Print
Where can I print a SCAN form?
Enable multi-channel fulfillment
What setting do I need to enable to send a non-Amazon order to FBA?
This must be in place in order to create a rule to assign a carrier and service to an incoming order.
What are presets?
This is caused by either shipping rule, previous selection or default.
How did my order download with a shipping selection?
They can be printed on packing slips and pick lists.
Where can barcodes be printed? OR Where can images be printed?
It is funded by a credit card or checking account and works like a bank account, debiting each postage purchase.
How does a stamps.com postage account work?
Walmart and eBay
Which stores don't allow for Amazon Shipping to be used as a carrier?
This is hierarchy for an order that comes into ShippingEasy
Rules, previous selection, default
It would have to be updated manually from the Shipment History page once I've created a new label.
What happens to the tracking number for an order in my store if I cancel it in ShippingEasy?
How many stores can I integrate?
By choosing 'Add to Cart' on Ready to Ship, creating a duplicate shipment or return label.
How does an order get to Ready for Payment?
Amazon's own shipping carrier
Amazon Shipping
How many favorite presets can you have?
'IF' zone is equal to 1-4, 'THEN' assign present 'Regional Rate Box B'
What is an example of a rule built around distance?
At 90%
I would set up multiple 'Ship From Addresses' even if they all used the same street address and assign them in store settings.
If I had one location but multiple businesses/business names, how would I ensure the correct name appeared on the label?
ShippingEasy will send the update
Who updates my store with tracking information when I use the drop ship/multi channel fulfillment option in ShippingEasy?
In this order: packaging, presets, shipping rules
How would you prioritize setting up rules, presets and packaging?
Shipping information only
What kind of information can we send to Quickbooks from a ShippingEasy account?
"Database" "In house system" "Custom solution"
What are some red flags when I am qualifying a sale that mean we are not a good fit?