What is shock?
-When there is a lack of blood flow throughout the body
-Can occur after a serious injury or illness
What should you not do if a patron is having a seizure
-Do not restrain or hold the patron, let the seizure run its course.
What is the difference between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia
Hypoglycemia: extremely low amount of glucose in the blood
Hyperglycemia: extremely high amount of glucose in the blood
What do you NOT give a patron if you believe they are in shock?
When should you call 911 when someone is in shock?
In the event of a seizure, when should you call 911?
-If the seizure lasts longer than 5 minute
-If the patron is unresponsive
-If it is the patrons first seizure
-If the patron is elderly or a young child
-If the patron is pregnant
What medical care can we can provide if a patron is experiencing hyper/hypoglycemia
-Glucose tube/gel packets
-Fruit juice
-Regular non-diet soda
-Spoonful of sugar mixed with a glass of milk
What should you do if a patron is throwing up while having a seizure
-Put the patron in the recovery position, laying on their side.
What are some of the signs and symptoms of shock?
-Changes in level of consciousness
-Pale, ashen or grey, cool, moist skin
-Rapid breathing and heartbeat
-Nausea or vomiting
When the seizure is over, what should you do to continue providing care?
-Check for responsiveness and breathing
-Ask for consent if they are conscious
-Place the patron in recovery mode
-Look for injuries that may have occurred during the seizure
What are signs and symptoms of a diabetic emergency
-Cool, moist skin
-Changes in behavior (irritability, aggression, argumentativeness)
-Confusion or disorientation
What can happen if someone has extremely high or low blood sugar?
-It could lead to a diabetic coma or seizures