This pp record single handedly ruined Touchscreen as a viable way of gaining pp. As it gave 100 more pp than the previous pp record while obtaining 78% accuracy.
What is Yuima-ru*World TVver? (Haitai)
This Tournament saw the highest pp peak in all of osu tournaments, reaching 1.1kpp in match. This was not an fc, but is often regarded to be the best tournament play.
What is Mrekk's Grandmaster Cup?
This player has the most amount of tournament badges of any player.
This mapper also has the most amount of tournament badges of any mapper.
Who is Fieryrage?
This korean content creator is most famous for playing popular anime openings on osu. They peaked rank 281 back in 2020, and recently got back from manditory military service.
Who is Hugofrost?
The player fcd this pp record for over 600pp. However, the map was qualified at the time and the play was later revoked as qualified maps were made to no longer give pp. However, the fcd it again with higher acc once it was ranked for the pp record.
What is The Last Journey Home?
This country won the first ever osu! World Cup back in 2011.
What is Taiwan?
This player was one of the only mouse players to acheieve Rank #1. This player also achieved a 5 miss on euphoria before it was ranked in 2016 which for the time, was an insane play. He also held one pp record for a short amount of time.
Who is Angelsim?
This mapper has ranked the hardest map in the ranked section to date, being 12.36 stars.
Who is Scub? (Scubdomino)
This osu! tournament saw the most amount of twitch viewers at one time. This osu! stream reached top 5 of all streams on twitch at one point.
What is OWC 2023?
This pp record lasted the most amount of time until the next pp record was achieved.
What is Sidetracked Day?
This OWC was the first OWC where score v2 was implimented as the scoring system.
What is OWC 2015?
This is the one player in osu! that has the osu! completionist title for playing every ranked map up until April 27th 2019. This was about 60,800 maps at the time.
Who is xasuma?
The mapper has the most amount of osu! Standard Loved Maps.
Who is Akali?
This massive youtuber played osu! back in 2015. This garnered osu! a lot of attention that introduced a lot of players to the game. This did spark some controversy, as a lot of fans of this youtuber were generally not respected by the osu! community at the time.
Who is PewDiePie?
This pp record is the shortest map of all the pp records. The mods present on this play were HR, DT, and FL.
What is C-Type?
This osu! Tournament had the most signups of any osu! Tournament ever.
What is 5WC 2023?
This player was the only player in osu! to reach rank #0. This was only achieved through a bug that was never patched. Ppy mentioned it was possibly due to the two highest ranked players being tied for score, leaving the system to automatically send one to #0.
Who is Saturos?
This Mapper has the most amount of ranked maps.
Who is Andrea?
This play is the most upvoted post on r/osu!game Reddit.
What is GN's Unforgiving Flashlight FC?
This pp record was held by an unfamiliar face, being jot_bab. This pp record only consists of DT and FL. While being 6 misses, this pp record did passup the previous pp record, being aetrna's mou Ii Kai 1 miss, by 100pp.
What is UNION!!?
rrtyui achieved S rank and #1 on image material in this tournament. This tournament was before score v2 existed.
What is ANTIBEAT Tournament?
This player achieved the first SS on image material, with a twist. He achieved this while playing with his screen upside down.
Who is Mrfuture?
This mapper is notorious for mapping farm aim maps, who also has the most amount of ranked guest difficulties in osu!Standard.
Who is akitoshi?
This osu content creator is most well known for his "Road to 5 digit" series that garnered over 1 million views total on youtube.
Who is HamCosu!?