The White Umbrella Characterization
The White Umbrella Plot
A Mother in Mannville Characterization
A Mother in Mannville Plot

What is a synonym for discreet?

careful or cautious 


Name a character trait that describes 

Miss Crosman

Possible answers: encouraging, passionate, kind


In the exposition of the story, the narrator and her sister Mona demonstrate responsibility by doing what?

Cooking dinner by themselves


What is the narrator’s occupation?

A writer 


What is the setting of "A Mother in Mannville"?

Be specific.  

Carolina Mountains in the 1930’s; autumn


Based on the use of the word in context, decide which part of speech is being used: noun, verb, adjective, or adverb.

“I pronounced this last word carefully, as if the credibility of my life depended on its middle syllable” (Jen). 



What did Miss Crosman cook for dinner and offer to the girls when their mother was late?

A pot roast


What is the falling action in The White Umbrella? 

(name something that happened in the plot) 

The narrator’s mother’s eyes are closed and her head is tilted back. The narrator thinks her mother is dead.


What was one of the gifts Jerry said his mother sent him during his time at the the orphanage?

roller skates / a suit 


What is the name of the narrator’s pointer dog?



Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word: 

Researchers could not explain the ______________ test results. 



How do the narrator's and Mona's points of view about their mother working compare?  

The narrator is embarrassed to admit that their mother works, while Mona  is relatively honest about it.  


What is one detail from the rising action in the story?

Answers vary - teacher discretion 


Describe 3 actions Jerry completes in the story that displays his strong work ethic.

Ex. Chopping wood every day after school, fixing the cubbyhole, watching the pointer dog


Why does the narrator not ask Jerry more about his mother? 

She is afraid it will cause him more pain. 


True or False: 

A revelation is a performance or interpretation of a dramatic role or piece of music.

If false, provide the correct vocab term.


Correct answer: Rendition 


What does the following quote reveal about the narrator's attitude? "I wanted to tell her that I was the school spelling bee champion, that I wasn't ticklish, that I could do karate" (Paragraph 42).

The narrator wants to be able to share with Miss Crosman who she really is. She is looking for validation. 


What type of emotions does the narrator feel after telling Miss Crosman, “I wish you were my mother”?

Guilty as the narrator did not really mean what she said


What is Jerry saving up for in the story? 


A pair of white gloves for his mother


How do readers know Jerry is upset the narrator is leaving?

He doesn’t complete his chore of firing up the boiler at the orphanage; he usually is reliable


Use the vocabulary word intently correctly and in the proper context in your own sentence. Sentence must be at least 8 words long.

*must include the word BECAUSE 

Answers will vary - teacher discretion 


Why did Miss Crosman never have children even though she wanted them?

Miss Crossman never had children because she never married


What can be inferred about the reason the narrator threw away the umbrella?

The narrator realizes how much she loves her mother and throws away the umbrella, a symbol of her wanting a different life.


Why did Jerry lie about having a mother in Mannville?

He tells himself he has a mother as a coping mechanism for his difficult childhood. It’s easier to believe he has a mother who loves him than to live with his reality


Which sentence below does NOT belong in an objective summary of the plot?

  1. Jerry is an orphan who lives in the Carolina Mountains.

  2. Jerry is extremely helpful so the narrator will want to adopt him. 

  3. Jerry and the narrator form a close bond.

  4. Jerry helps the narrator with various tasks around the cabin during her stay.

B. Jerry is extremely helpful so the narrator will want to adopt him.
