Home and Family

Tomorrow is my birthday. I am turning 11. My family is coming over for a party and to eat cake. I hope I get a lot of presents!

When is the birthday?



There are 8 planets that we know of in our solar system. The largest planet is named Jupiter. The smallest planet is named Mercury. 

What is the largest planet? 



Juan was hungry. He could not find something to eat. He decided to go to the diner for dinner with his family. He ordered a hamburger, fries, and an iced tea.

What are 2 things Juan ordered? 

hamburger, fries, iced tea


Ella’s class is going on a field trip on Monday. They are going to the museum. Ella cannot wait to see the dinosaur exhibit.

When is the field trip? 



The chameleon is a very special lizard. It can change color whenever it needs to. If a chameleon loses its tail, it can grow another one. 

What can a chameleon do whenever it needs to? 

Change its color.


I watch football with my family every Sunday in the fall! We sit on the couch and eat chips and pizza together. Our favorite team is the New York Giants. I love football!

When does the family watch football? 

In the fall. / On Sundays. 


A lake is a big pool of water with land all around it. An island is a piece of land with water all around it. Most islands are made by underwater volcanos. 

What is an island? 

A piece of land with water all around it. 


Jade is going camping with her cousins. She has a tent, a sleeping bag, and a flashlight. She packed clothes in a backpack. She cannot wait to have a campfire.

What is something Jade can do at the campfire? 

roast marshmallows, stay warm, tell jokes/stories, etc.


Brandon has a spelling test on Friday. He wants to do well on his test. He practices his spelling words every night. He asks his mother to quiz him on his words.

Who practices the spelling words? 

Brandon (and his mother) 


An African elephant is the largest animal living on land. The African elephant can weigh as much as 10,000 pounds. Because of this, an elephant cannot jump. 

What can't an elephant do?



It is a beautiful summer day. The Jones family put on their bathing suits, grabbed their towels, and headed to the beach. They played in the sand and swam in the ocean.

Who went to the beach?

The Jones Family


A diamond is the hardest rock on earth. The best diamonds are those that have no color. The look like very shiny glass. 

What color do the best diamonds have? 

No color.


Lincoln was hungry. He went into the kitchen and took out ingredients. He spread the peanut butter and jelly on the bread. He cut the sandwich in half and ate it.

What are "ingredients"?

Things you use when cooking or baking.


Jaden was playing on the playground at recess. He was climbing on the monkey bars. He fell off and scraped his knee. He went to the nurse’s office to get a bandage.

How did Jaden get hurt? 

He fell off the monkey bars.


The moose is the largest member of the deer family. Moose lose their horns every year in the month of January. By the month of August, the moose has grown a new pair of horns. 

What is the largest kind of deer? 

The moose. 


Cassie rolled over in her bed as she felt the sunlight hit her face. The beams were warming the back of her neck when she slowly realized that it was a Thursday, and she felt a little too good for a Thursday. Struggling to open her eyes, she looked up at the clock. “9:48,” she shouted, “Holy cow!” Cassie jumped out of bed, threw on the first outfit that she grabbed, brushed her teeth in two swipes, threw her books into her backpack, and then ran out the door.

What is wrong with Cassie? 

She overslept and is late for school. 

Icebergs are floating mountains of ice in the ocean. Most of the mountain of ice is hidden underneath the water. Because of this, ship captains steer clear of icebergs, so their ships don't get ripped open. 

Where is most of an iceberg? 

Underneath the water. 


Addison put on her pajamas. She brushed her teeth and said good night to her parents and sister. Addison went into her bedroom and went to sleep.

What did Addison do first? 

Put on her pajamas. 


Johnny is in Mrs. Smith's third grade class. On Monday, the class goes to gym. On Tuesday, the class goes to art. On Wednesday, the class goes to library. On Thursday, the class goes to health. On Friday, the class goes to music. Johnny's favorite special is art. 

Where does the class go on Monday?



Ants can be found living all over the world. They have no lungs with which to breathe. Ants breathe through their stomachs.

Where do ants live? 

All over the world. 


Kyle ran into his house, slamming the door behind him. He threw his book bag on the floor and plopped on the couch. After six hours of playing Roblox, he ate some pizza and fell asleep with a slice in on his belly and his feet on his book bag. He forgot he had a test in school the next day.

What do you think happens next? 

Kyle does bad on his school test. 


In legend, trolls are the meanest elves on earth. They usually live under bridges. If you want to cross over the bridge, you must pay or trick them. 

What must you do if you want to cross over their bridge? 

Pay or trick the trolls. 


Tyler was not feeling well. His mother took his temperature and saw he had a fever. Tyler’s mother called the doctor and made an appointment.

Why did Tyler go to the doctor? 

Because he had a fever. / He wasn't feeling well. 


The Lincoln School newspaper has 20 writers. The student writers are in grades 3, 4, and 5. This month, the paper is doing a feature article on the animals at the local zoo. If students and staff from Lincoln School go to the zoo, they get a discount on tickets. 

Who gets a zoo discount?

Students and staff from Lincoln School. 


When beavers build their houses in the water, one beaver always stands guard to watch for enemies. When an enemy animal comes near, the guard beaver slaps its tail on the water. 

When a beaver builds their house, what does the other beaver do? 

Stand guard (to watch for enemies)
