Odds and Ends
This snake was the king of the garden until Rikki Tikki entered the story. This snake is Nagina's husband, and his name is ____________.
What is Nag.
In "Two Kinds," the mother wants her daughter to become a child prodigy (genius) of some sort, so she pushes her to try all kinds of different things that her daughter isn't interested in. This is an example of THIS kind of conflict.
What is person vs. person.
In "After Twenty Years," the climax comes right at the end of the story when we learn something about the police officer. Name what it is that we find out.
What is we learn that the police officer is actually the character's friend, and he sends someone else to arrest him.
Why are the two characters meeting up again in "After Twenty Years"?
What is they decided that they would meet after all this time to tell each other how they made their fortunes.
This is what the main character in "The Third Wish" uses his last wish for.
What is he turns into a swan.
These are the two character's names in "Amigo Brothers."
What are Antonio and Felix.
In "Seventh Grade," Victor pretends to know how to speak French in order to impress a girl. This is an example of THIS kind of conflict.
What is person vs. self.
In "Ribbons," the climax comes near the end of the story after the grand daughter accidentally views the grandmother's feet. This is how the grand daughter gets the grandmother to come around to the tradition of ballet dancing.
What is the grand daughter explains that her ribbons are used for a different purpose than the ribbons the grandmother used them for.
Greg Ridley meets a man named Lemon Brown and finds out that THIS is his treasure
What is a harmonica.
We have been working on making inferences. This is a definition for inference.
What is making a guess based on what you already know.
In "Zoo," Professor Hugo sets up an Interplanetary Zoo. Who/What is really on display?
What is the humans are on display to the animals who traveled to see the zoo.
There are two kinds of conflict in "Amigo Brothers." Name them.
What is person vs. person and person vs. self.
The climax comes at the end of "Amigo Brothers." What is the climax (which is also the resolution of this story).
What is the two friends leave the boxing ring without hearing the winner announced.
This is how Chuchundra helped Rikki Tikki.
What is Chuchundra warned Rikki Tikki about the snake's plans to kill Rikki Tikki and the family.
This is the reason behind why the grandmother in "Ribbons" didn't want her grand daughter to see her feet.
What is the grandmother had bound them up, and they are now very disformed.
This character came late to an event that is only hosted one time a year.
Who is Tessie Hutchinson, the lottery "winner."
In "The Lottery," there are many different types of conflict present. Name two.
What is person vs. person, person vs. self, or person vs. society.
THIS is the climax in "Rikki Tikki Tavi."
What is when Rikki Tikki follows Nagina into her den and kills her at the end of the story.
This is why Mdm. Loisel is so upset when her husband receives an invitation to the party.
What is because she doesn't have anything extravagant to wear for the occasion.
We learned a little bit about irony before we read, "He-y, Come On O-ut!" What is ironic about the hole that is dug in the story?
What is people think they can throw their garbage away forever, but it will return.
This character is completely unhappy for the whole story except when she had all the men's attention.
Who is Mdm. Loisel.
In "The Necklace," what is the conflict that Mdm. Loisel struggles with most?
What is person vs. self.
The climax of "The Necklace" comes right at the end. Name it.
What is when Mdm. Loisel meets Mdm. Forstier in the park and learns that the diamond necklace was only paste.
This is why does Mdm. Loisel look so ragged and worn down by the end of the story?
What is Mdm. Loisel has worked for 10 years to pay off the amount of money the "diamond" necklace was worth.
This is the first snake Rikki Tikki killed in the story.
Who is Karait.