What is "have children"?
In Le Guin's "The One's Who Walk Away from Omelas," is in this perspective.
What is "Third Person, Omniscient?"
This poetic device is displayed in the following quote from Roald Dahl's "The Landlady":
"Normally, you ring a bell and you have at least a half-minute wait before the door opens. But this person was like a jack-in-the-box. He pressed the bell—and out she popped! It made him jump."
What is "Simile"?
In Bradbury's "All Summer in a Day", where was Margo?
Where is "locked in the closet"?
In "The Crush" by Debbie Lamedman, the speaker can be described as this.
What is "obsessed"?
Other acceptable answers: Crazy, Unhinged
At the end of "Winter Break", it is revealed that this is in the trunk of the cab.
What is "a human child"?
What is "a horse race?"
In Roald Dahl's "The Landlady", we can infer that Billy is killed and this happens to him.
What is being described in the following selection:
"...the endless shaking down of clear bead necklaces upon the roof, the walk, the gardens, the forests..."
What is "the rain"?
In the poem "Why I love the New Facebook Timeline", the speaker emphasizes this lesson in the story by asking the question: "Do you know what's on your timeline?"
What is "watch what you post online"?
This Homographic word adds to the twist at the end of the story.
What is "kid"?
In the fictional city of Omelas, everyone in the city is happy because of this.
In Dahl's "The Landlady", Billy uses slang such as "dotty" and "off her rocker" to say this about his landlady.
What is "crazy?"
Other acceptable answers: Unstable, wacko, insane.
What is "seven years"?
In "To Build a Fire" by Jack London, we know the story is third person omnipresent because we hear the thoughts and feelings of the man and this character.
What is "the dog"?
With references such as the "Royal Athena Sun" hotel, we can infer the story takes place here.
What is "Greece"?
Within the fictional city of Omelas, this is valued above all else.
What is "the happiness of the community"?
"Food/Consumption" and "Animals" are examples of this in Roald Dahl's "The Landlady."
What are "motifs"?
In Bradbury's "All Summer in a Day", Margo describes the sun as like this coin.
What is a "penny"?
"A real man could travel alone. If a man stayed calm, he would be all right." This quote demonstrates this quality of the central character of Jack London's "To Build a Fire"
What is "Arrogant"?
Acceptable alternatives: Over-confident, hyper masculine, Cockiness
The following quote from Winter break exemplifies this poetic device:
"He had something in his hand, a rock. He stooped. Thud, thud, thud. She tensed. She wanted to cry out."
What is "Onomatopoeia"?
In "The Ones Who Walk From Omelas", Le Guin uses this poetic device in the following quote:
"Now do you believe them? Are they not more credible?"
What is "Rhetorical Questions"?
In Dahl's "The Landlady", the tea tastes of "bitter almonds." We can infer that this poison is in his tea.
What is "cyanide"?
At the start of the story, the other children hate Margo for this reason.
What is, "she can remember the sun, and they can't?"
In "Why I Love the New Facebook Timeline", the speaker in the poem uses this poetic device to emphasize her desire to meet the listener.