The time and place of the story
What is the setting?
This type of conflict occurs when two characters struggle against each other.
What is person vs. person?
This quote is an example of ... “Much to my surprise, I liked the truck Charlie bought me.”
What is first person point of view?
This is an example of..."The boy is a pig."
What is a metaphor?
This type of ending leaves the reader with questions in their head.
What is an open ending?
This is a type of conflict where the leading character struggles with themself, with their own soul, ideas of right or wrong, physical limitations, choices, etc.
What is person vs. self?
This quote is an example of ... "Martin, a thin twelve-year-old, felt nervous in it from the first day he and his father moved into the apartment."
What is third person point of view?
Resolution is a word used to describe this part of the plot
What is the resolution?
This is the beginning of the story where the characters and the setting of the story are revealed.
What is the introduction?
This quote is an example of descriptive writing using which of the 5 senses ... "He had to squeeze past her, rubbing against her horrible scratchy coat."
What is touch?
Exposition is a word used to describe which part of the plot?
What is the Beginning?
A story about war would likely include this tone
This impacts the way a reader views the events and the characters within a story. This can influence a readers emotional response.
What are tone and mood?
This quote is an example of ... "you were so foolish back then, thinking that you would become rich and famous."
What is second person point of view?
Without this, there is no plot
What is conflict?
The character that creates problems for the protagonist.
What is the antagonist?
The events in the story where the plot develops and the problem/conflict is introduced
What is the rising action?
Love, good vs evil, courage and heroism, friendship, perserverance, etc. are all examples of this
What is theme?
What literary device is this quote an example of ... "They turned on themselves, like a feverish wheel, all tumbling spokes."
What is a simile
A brief work of fiction that typically focuses on a single event, character, or theme. It is designed to be read in one sitting.
What is a short story?