What is the name of Zaroff's manservant?
Why did Sam wake up early after his first night camping with Red Chief?
It is implied that he took Red Chief's threats of burning him at dawn more seriously that he was acting.
What is the first impression of "Red Chief" that the reader gets? Why?
It is a bit unpleasant. He is throwing rocks at a cat, then he hits Bill in the face with a brick.
DAILY TRIPLE!!!: Are the criminals in The Ransom of Red Chief well spoken? How can you tell?
No. They attempt to use fancy words, but they constantly use the wrong ones, making it obvious how dumb they are. Also, Sam narrates the story using phrases like, "says I."
In The Most Dangerous Game, what do you believe happens in the final encounter between Rainsford and Zaroff? Do you believe these events changed Rainsford as a person? How and why?
This is opinion-based, but your opinion must be supported with evidence from the text.
Mention three instances of "Red Chief's" bad behavior Sam and Bill encounter.
There are a number of options. Be specific!
What is the mood in The Children of Noah? Why?
You have a few choices, but should probably be something along the lines of "creepy" or "foreboding." Make sure you list evidence as to why.
What is the mood of The Most Dangerous Game? Why?
You have a few choices, but should probably be something along the lines of "spooky." Make sure you list evidence as to why.
What is the mood of The Ransom of Red Chief? Why?
You have a few choices, but should probably be something along the lines of "ironic" or "comical." Make sure you list evidence as to why.
DAILY DOUBLE: Define "diction."
A writer's distinctive word choices in a story to establish the tone/mood.
Define "tone."
The feeling or emotion that the author or narrator feels towards the events/content of a story.
What do you think is the significance of the title of The Children of Noah?
Apparently, the town is inhabited by Noah Zachry's descendants, who continue the cannibalistic habits of Zachry's wife.
According to Mr. Dorset, why should Sam and Bill return Red Chief at night?
He thinks that if the neighbors saw Red Chief being returned, they would attack those returning him.

What point of view is The Ransom of Red Chief told in, and how do you know?

This is told from first person point of view. Sam uses the pronouns I, us, me, we, etc.

DAILY DOUBLE: Why is it ironic that “the boy catches Bill neatly in the eye with a piece of brick” during their first meeting?
The irony is that Bill and Sam are supposed to be scary, intimidating kidnappers, but instead the kid is more frightening. The hunters fear the prey.
In The Ransom of Red Chief, who does Bill state is his favorite Biblical character? Why?
King Herod, who is remembered as a murderer of children.
How are the final events of The Children of Noah foreshadowed (list at least three)?
The long list of questions the cops ask, the absurdly low speed limit, ominous diction, Ketchum being taken to jail for speeding, the wonderful breakfast, the empty town, the barbecue banner, Ketchum's car being moved, everyone's ill-fitting clothes, etc.
How are the events of The Ransom of Red Chief ironic?
The kidnapee is torturing the kidnappers, the kidnappers have to pay the family of who they kidnap to rid themselves of their hostage, etc.
How are the events of The Most Dangerous Game ironic?
Answers may vary, but some examples include Rainsford and Whitney discussing how their prey must feel; the comments Zaroff makes to Rainsford about them sharing a hunt; and how Rainsford, a civilized man, is a brutal murderer at the end of the story after condemning Zaroff for the same type of behavior.
What reason do Bill and Sam have for kidnapping the boy?
Bill and Sam need $2000 to pull off a scheme in another town; Johnny (Red Chief) is the son of the richest man in town.
In The Ransom of Red Chief, what do the kidnappers intend to mean when they sign their letter, "two desperate men?" How was this probably read by Red Chief's father?
They are desperate men, crazed by circumstances and willing to do anything; their demands should be met because they are so desperate. It is probably read as they are desperate to rid themselves of that horrible kid, so they will do anything to do so.
How is the mood set in The Most Dangerous Game before Rainsford even gets to the island?
Whitney and Rainsford are discussing killing, the description of the night, the ominous description of Ship-Trap island and the sailors' fear of it, and the sounds Rainsford hears.
How does the narrator's point of view affect the story in The Ransom of Red Chief?
The story is told with all sorts of grammatical incorrectness, which reveals to the reader how ignorant and uneducated these criminals really are. This helps establish the comical mood.

How is foreshadowing used in The Most Dangerous Game?

Through description of how dark and creepy the night and island are, the evidence of some sort of slaying in the jungle, the horrible sounds and gunshots Rainsford hears, Rainsford's discussions with Whitney and Zaroff, etc.

In The Children of Noah, how does the setting affect the story?
It makes the entire story seem more suspenseful. The constant fog makes it seem as though something is being hidden, the empty town makes the reader suspicious, and the fact that it is a small town makes it seem more likely that the inhabitants can get away with misdeeds without being noticed.