Point of View
Symbolism + Irony
Character Types
Setting + Plot
Tone + Mood

What is the POV? I ran to the store but stopped when I realized I left my wallet behind.

First Person POV


You work all afternoon cooking a fancy dinner for your boyfriend. When he takes his first bite, he spits it out into his napkin without you seeing and says to you, "Oh Sweetie, this is wonderful!"

Verbal Irony


Little Cindy always loved to sing, and would sing out in the middle of class. If someone asked her to stop, she would yell at them saying they were jealous of her talent. If anyone tried to stop her, she would scream of sing lounder. What type of character is Little Cindy? 



What is the most "exciting" part of the story? 

The Climax


What is the definition of Tone and Mood? 

Tone: How the author feels about the story

Mood: How the story makes the reader feel

What is the POV? 

Little Jimmy ran out of the house into the bright sunny day then tripped and fell over the curve beside the sidewalk. He started to cry and clutched his knee while his mom ran out of the house towards him. 

Third Person Objective


A movie you are watching shows a woman jogging in the woods. The next scene shows a mountain lion lying in wait down the path where the woman is jogging.

Dramatic Irony


Jessie never tried in school and always got C's and D's. When she found out that she wouldn't be able to become a Large Animal Vet with those grades, she started to study harder and raised her grades to A's and B's. 



What is the story's ending called? 



Some people might see my cat George soaking up a sunny spot in my living room or sleeping for 20 hours each day and think, "What a lazy cat!" But "lazy" is the wrong word for George. George the Cat is calm, and he is wise. The other night, for example, there was a terrible storm with crashing thunder and bright flashes of lightning that lasted two hours. Another cat might have darted around the room, frantic and hyper, thumping into walls and diving off countertops. But George just woke up from his perch and quietly analyzed the situation, watching me closely for cues to how to react. He seemed to be asking me, "Should I be very frightened?" I just kept cooking spaghetti and singing along to the radio. So George didn't waste any time; he went right back to sleep. Which words from the passage have a positive connotation?

"Calm" and "Wise"


Mrs. Johnson couldn't believe the price of bananas these days, and blamed her neighbor, Janice, for the inflation since she kept buying her bananas in bulk. Janice knew that Mrs. Johnson would always buy the best bananas so she would arrive at the store early, very proud of her idea, and would buy all the bananas to spite her stuffy neighbor. 

Third Person Omniscient 


In your history book, you read about a young man in the Revolutionary War who kills a British soldier. That soldier who was killed turns out to be his favorite cousin.

Situational Irony


The class Lizard, Ozard, always sat on his rock, watching the children walk by. Occasionally, he would move to the water pond to get a drink and move back. He always thought about what it would be like to be out in the classroom with all the  kids, but always found comfort back on his warm rock. What type of character is Ozard? 



Which of the following is NOT an element of setting? 

1. Weather

2. Dialect 

3. Winter Clothes

4. Emotion

5. Geographical Area



We are contacting you today because you are one of our most generous contributors. In the past, your donations have helped us find good homes for abandoned animals. Thank you for your kindness. We'd like to ask you for your help once again as we begin planning for our next adoption drive. Please consider filling out the donation form and returning it in the enclosed envelope. We could not do what we do without generosity from people like you. 

Which words best describe the tone of this passage?

Formal and Polite


Logan couldn't understand his dog. He would watch the puppy run circles around the yard, barking at every squirrel and bird she saw, but would cower behind him when a car passed by. Logan just thought her fake confidence was cute, and would always give the dog's head a firm pat and reaffirm she was safe.   

Third Person Limited


What does the cat in "The Old Man at the Bridge," symbolize? 

People who could escape the war, but would do nothing to help others. 


Little Johnny goes to school and bullies Jim Bob for having long hair. When Little Johnny goes home, his mother, who loves her long hair, yells and screams at him for ruining her life. What type of character is Little Johnny? 

Round Character 


Setting can give clues about a story's _____. 

Conflict, plot, and mood


Which word best describes the tone of the passage below?

I never wanted to see that movie, but my annoying little sister kept pestering me. Eventually, her whining wore me down, and I gave in. But that waste of a movie really destroyed my Saturday.



Which of the following statements best illustrates the use of an unreliable narrator in a first-person point of view?

A.The narrator provides a detailed and accurate account of events, supported by other characters' perspectives.

B.The narrator's version of events is consistently contradicted by the actions and dialogue of other characters, casting doubt on their credibility.

C.The narrator describes their inner thoughts and feelings, offering a clear and consistent self-reflection throughout the story.

D.The narrator shifts between first-person and third-person perspectives, providing a comprehensive overview of the story.

B.The narrator's version of events is consistently contradicted by the actions and dialogue of other characters, casting doubt on their credibility.


In, "The Old Man at the Bridge" The fact that the narrator refers to the birds as “doves” (a symbol of peace) after the old man spoke of them as pigeons reveals....

his longing for the war to end.


Identify the types of characterization used: 

1. "She had a little thin face and a little thin body, thin light hair and a sour expression. Her hair was yellow, and her face was yellow because she had been born in India and had always been ill in one way or another . . . . [B]y the time she was six years old she was as tyrannical and selfish a little pig as ever lived."

2. "In an image farther down, Rae is wearing a white blouse and a black cap and gown. Grinning. It’s a whole different energy. When I arrive at the caption, I close my eyes. I need a moment. I somehow sense the words before they fully register. She graduated from Oxford. It’s crushing that most of the caption is in Korean. She’s like me but so much better."

1. Direct Characterization

2. Indirect Characterization


Read the following passage from Alice in Wonderland:

Once in the wood, she was anxious to get back to her right size again, and then to get into that lovely garden. But how? Peeping over a mushroom, she beheld a large blue caterpillar sitting on the top with its arms folded...

Which detail from the text provides a clue to the place where this passage takes place?

Once in the wood


What is the Mood that this setting create? 

The sky was gray that cool November afternoon in the empty playground. The swings were rusted. The wood was rotted. There was silence except for the wind blowing through the dead leaves."

