Tell me the short a sound and give 3 sample words.
/a/ cat, alligator, tractor
Tell me the short e sound and give 3 sample words.
/e/ leg, egg, fence
Tell me the short i sound and give 3 sample words.
/i/ pig, win, wish
Tell me the short o sound and give 3 sample words.
/o/ pot, jog, frog
Tell me the short u sound and give 3 sample words.
/u/ sun, bus, umbrella
Use these three words in a sentence. (Minimum 7 words). ran, Jack, flag
Jack ran across the field with a flag.
Use these three words in a sentence. (Minimum 7 words). egg, best, sell
Kate sells the best eggs at the market.
Use these three words in a sentence. (Minimum 7 words). fish, fin, flip
The fish used its fins to speed up and do a flip!
Use these three words in a sentence. (Minimum 7 words). dog, frog, lost
The dog got lost in the woods and came across a frog.
Use these three words in a sentence. (Minimum 7 words). sunflower, us, up
She reached up to grab a sunflower for us.
This item can be red, green, or yellow. You can bake it into a pie.
What is the opposite of beginning?
What is a crawly, creepy creature? (think of a science term)
In what month does Halloween happen ?
What is a bird that swims in the pond at a park?
What word is left when you take away the letter -p? Pant. Use the new word in a sentence.
ant. The ant was crawling on the ground.
What word is left when you take away the letter -l and add another g? Leg. Use the new word in a sentence.
What new word do you get when you add an s to the word ick?
sick. She was sick, so she stayed home to rest.
What is a fun activity that lets you jump up and down? (Sometimes you can do this on one foot.) Use the word in a sentence.
hop/hopping. The bunny loved hopping all over the grass.
Make a new word out of the word pup. Keep the short u.
hug. Jack gave Stacy a hug when she came in the door.
Give three short a words and use all three in a sentence.
apple, bag, snack
Ex. Helen brought a bag full of apples for her snack.
Give three short e words and use all three in a sentence.
nest, egg, red
Ex. In the nest, we found three red eggs.
Give three short i words and use all three in a sentence.
kid, pig, swim
Ex. There were kids swimming in the lake with the pigs!
Give three short o words and use all three in a sentence.
hop, not, pop
Ex. She hopped up to reach the balloon and tried not to pop it.
Give three short u words and use all three in a sentence.
hug, cub, hum
Ex. The cub started to hum when he hugged it.