Public Opinion
Early History
Animal Testing in the 1800s and early 1900s
The Modern Debate

Animal testing in the united states is regulated by________________, which was passed in ____.

(A)the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA),1964

(B)the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA), 1966


the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA), 1966


Younger americans are ___ likely to accept animal testing.






Descriptions of ________ was found in ancient greek writings.






As more people adopted pets the________________ movement grew, primarily in______.


(B)Anti-vivisection, Brazil


Anti-vivesection, England


_____ is  the only major market where testing all cosmetics on animals is required by law






The AWA defines "animal" as_______

(A)as "any live or dead dog, cat, monkey, guinea pig, hamster, rabbit, or any other warm-blooded animal."

(B)as "any live dog, cat guinea pig, hamster, rabbit, or any other cold blooded animal


as "any live or dead dog, cat, monkey, guinea pig, hamster, rabbit, or any other warm-blooded animal."


A may 2013 Gallup poll found that ________ % of americans said medical testing on animals was morally acceptable.






The descriptions found in ancient Greek writing were from years as early as __________

(A)500 B.C.



500 B.C.


Queen Victoria was part of the first ______ of animal testing in England.






The U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) stopped breeding ____________ for research in _________. In 2013, it announced that it would ______ most of its _________ over next several years.

(A)Chimpanzees, 2007, retire, chimpanzees

(B)Gorillas, 2008, replace, gorillas


Chimpanzees, 2007, retire, chimpanzees


In 2010 the report of the USDA and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) it was stated that 1,134,693 animals were used for testing the animals that weren't included were __________.

(A)snakes, frogs, domestic animals or warm-blooded animals

(B)rats, mice, farm animals or cold-blooded animals


rats, mice, farm animals or cold-blooded animals


The anti testing movement bagan in _______ in the mid_____ following a sports illustrated page about pepper, a ped dalmation that was kindapped and then sold into experimentation.

(A)The united states, 1960s

(B)Brazil, 2000s


The united states, 1960s


Why did Roman physician and philosopher galen dissect living creatures?

(A)to show his friends how fascinating it was

(B)to see how living organisms worked.


to see how living organisms worked.


Who created the "Three Rs"?

(A)William Russel and Rex Burch

(B)Tommy and Chucky


William Russel and Rex Burch


In 1975, Australian philosopher Peter Singer published ____________ which said that "speciesism" was similar to_____, _____ and other forms of prejudice.

(A)"Animal Liberation", Racism, Sexism

(B)"Animal Liberation", Happiness, Joy


"Animal Liberation", Racism, Sexism


The (FDA) regulates_________________. It requires that before they can be tested on people, the ____ _________ must test them on at least __ species of animals to determine if they are safe.

(A)The development of new foods, restaurants, 5

(B)the development of new medications,drug companies,2


the development of new medications,drug companies,2


A total of __ percent of people aged 18-34 say that animal testing is_________

(A)47%, Morally acceptable

(B)62%,Not acceptable


47%, Morally acceptable


Roman physician and philosopher Galen's theories    of _______, which were based on his __________, were used throughout Europe for __ centuries.

(A)food, observations, 16

(B)medicine, experimentation, 15


medicine, experimentation, 15


In 1865, French physicologist Claude Bernard argued that experimenting on animals was _______, because it _______ medicine and _______ human life.

(A)Ethical, benefited, extended

(B)Terrible,didn't benefit, shortened


Ethical, benefited, extended


In 1981, a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) activist worked undercover at the Institute for ____________ in Silver Spring, Maryland. He took photographs of ______ in the facility, who were kept in such _______ conditions that they were tearing at their own flesh.

(A)Biological Research, Monkeys, Horrendous

(B)Biological Research, chipmunks, Fun


Biological Research, Monkeys, Horrendous


The USDA breaks down its data by __ categories of pain type:Animals that________, Animals who______, Animals who______.

(A)3, experience pain during the research but are given drugs to alleviate it, experience pain and are not given drugs, do not experience pain and are not given drugs

(B) 5, experience joy with no drugs, experience joy without drugs, experience no joy with and without drugs.


3, experience pain during the research but are given drugs to alleviate it, experience pain and are not given drugs, do not experience pain and are not given drugs


__% of people aged __ to __ and __% of people aged __ and older say it is __________________

(A)44%,34 years old,50 years old,71%,65 years old, not acceptable

(B)60%, 35 years old, 54years old,61%,55 years old, morally accetable


60%, 35 years old, 54years old,61%,55 years old, morally accetable


In the 17th century, English physician William Harvey experimented on living animals and discovered that _____, not the ____, ________ ___throughout the body.

(A)The heart, lungs, circulated blood throughout the body

(B)The heart, lungs, circulated water throughout the body


The heart, lungs, circulated blood throughout the body


What are the "Three Rs"?

(A)Replacement, Reduction, Refinement

(B)Read, Research, Repeat


Replacement, Reduction, Refinement


What did the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences call for in 2007?

(A)A reduction in the use of animal testing

(B)A increase in the use of animal testing


A reduction in the use of animal testing
