How does a doctor reduce a glenohumeral dislocation at the hospital?
Begin IV, have athlete hold a 5 - 10 pound weighted bag and allow muscles to relax. Doctor can then put humeral head in easily.
Describe the Apprehension Test.
Slowly abduct and externally rotate the humerus. Watch patient’s face and see if the athlete will not allow passive movement. Positive sign for shoulder dislocation - apprehension/alarm on person’s face
What would a closed chain exercise be for a shoulder injury?
Wall pushups, pushups on a Bosu Ball or wobble board
How does a SC sprain usually occur?
Direct impact to SC joint
What is the little piece that sticks out of the anterior portion of the scapula?
Coracoid Process
A third degree AC sprain is treated with all of the following, but what?
see a doctor, ice, functional exercises, NSAIDS
Functional exercises - treat conservatively!!!
What is the AC Compression Test?
Grasp athlete's AC joint with both hands and squeeze. Positive sign for an AC sprain would be extreme pain or joint movement.
What is the Throwers Ten?
A series of exercises designed by doctors to reduce shoulder injuries for throwing sports.
What is muscle guarding?
a protective response of one's body resulting from pain or fear of movement. Usually brought in towards your chest.