Stretching of the brachial plexus on opposite side.
Brachial Plexus injury.
Symptoms include: Drooping of the biceps muscle near the distal upper arm, and ecchymosis.
Biceps tendon rupture.
What is injury are the following treatments for; Non-surgical, PRICE, and gradual return to strengthening activity?
Biceps Tendon Rupture
An injury limited to the soft tissue of the shoulder:
Overuse Injury
Symptoms include: Pain, tenderness in muscle belly caused by palpation, PROM, and stretching.
Muscle strain
Treatment includes: Physician referral, PRICE, and immobilization.
Acromioclavicular Separation
Usually affects the biceps tendon long head:
Biceps Tendon Rupture
Symptoms include: Pain near the AC joint, and obvious deformities.
Acromioclavicular separation
Treatment includes: Referral to specialist, rest, ice, anti-inflammatory meds, and strengthening exercises.
Brachial Plexus injury
Injury between the humeral head and acromion:
Symptoms include: pain, popping sensation, limited use of the arm, and varying degrees of weakness.
Glenoid labrum injury
Treatment includes: correction of improper sport technique, preseason conditioning, and specialized taping.
Impingement syndrome.
What injury could be a partial tear in a tendon that can happen to people of ANY age?
Rotator cuff tears
Symptoms include: Weakness, numbness, intense pain from the neck down to the arm, and a pins and needles sensation.
Brachial Plexus injury
Usually determined by the severity of the injury and can require surgery if not responsive to rehab.
Rotator cuff tears