what kind of joint is the shoulder?
what is ball-and-socket joint?
trauma or overuse
when the head of the humerus is out of its socket
glenohumeral disclocation
treatment that reduces inflammation
rotator cuff etiology
excessive motion beyond normal range, overuse
what is humerus, clavicle, and scapula?
the most common cause for shoulder injuries
muscle weaknesses, postural problems
when the head of the humerus comes out of the socket and goes back in
range of motion- the amount of movement allowed at the joint
rotator cuff pathology
overstretch, tear or third degree strain
what is four?
preventing shoulder injuries
shoulder pads or form
Signs and Symptoms for dislocation
shoulder will be flat instead of rounded
pulling away from midpoint of the body
signs and symptoms for rotator cuff strain
pain at night, loss of motion or decrease range of motion
what muscle abducts, flexes, and extends the shoulder?
most common sprained joints
acromioclavicular joint and glenohumeral joint
where will the deformity be located
flat at the deltoid muscle
moving towards the midpoint of the body
treatment for rotator cuff strain
RICE, anti-inflammatory, Rehab
Subscapularis, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, and Supraspinatus
the main treatment for shoulder muscle and tendon injuries
what is RICE?
treatment for dislocations
strengthen adduction and internal rotation muscles or wear a harness restricting external rotation and abduction
non-union of a joint
rotator cuff strain