Counselor potpourri
Getting Along with Others
Ready for Success
Role Play
Mrs. Clendening only works with kids who get in trouble a lot. True or False
False. 50 point BONUS: Name three ways you can ask to see Mrs. Clendening.
If someone is teasing, bothering, or annoying us, the first thing we should do is tell an adult. True or False
False. 50 point BONUS: What should we do first?
What does "Kaizen" stand for?
"Little by little, bit by bit, I'm improving every day." 50 point BONUS: The word "Kaizen" is from what language? 100 point DOUBLE BONUS: The hand motions from "Kaizen" are from what Country?
What is a Career?
A job that you have for a long time as an adult; Something you want to be when you grow up.
You and a partner demonstrate the first two steps of DEBUG.
(Decide to Ignore, Exit or Walk Away)
Everything Mrs. Clendening teaches you is to help you become a more successful learner or a more successful __________.
Name all 5 steps of DEBUGing
Decide to Ignore Exit or Walk Away Be Friendly Use a Firm Voice Get Help from an Adult
When preparing for a test or something challenging, we learned "Breathe, Picture, Focus." What should you be picturing during this exercise?
Safe place
How does going to school prepare you for a career? (Name 2 ways)
Learn skills Learn responsibility Learn to get along with others Learn about different kinds of careers etc.
You and two friends demonstrate what to do if you see someone being bullied.
Be a friend to the victim/target Tell an adult 50 point BONUS: What is a person called who knows about bullying but does nothing to stop it?
Bucket-filling: One way to fill your bucket is by dipping out of someone else's. True or Fale.
False. 50 point BONUS: How can you fill your bucket?
Explain the difference between Bugging and Bullying.
Bullying: * hurts * repeated * on purpose * more power
We learned that having a Caring Classroom is an important part of school success. As a class, we described our perfect Caring Classroom. Which of the following did we NOT discuss? What a Caring Classroom: Looks Like Feels Like Smells Like Sounds Like
Smells Like
On the website Paws in Jobland, jobs that are related or have things in common are grouped into Career _________.
Clusters. 50 point BONUS: Name a career that would be found in the Health and Human Services cluster.
Act out a career that you might like to have when you grow up. If we guess it, 300 points!
100 point BONUS if you can name 4 skills you would need in that career.
Which of the following was NOT one of our character traits this year: Self-control Sharing Respect Generosity Honesty
Someone who knows that bullying is going on but does nothing to help is called a ____________ bully.
bystander 50 point BONUS: What is one of the best ways to help someone who is being bullied?
What does the acronym LEEAH stand for?
Listening with your Eyes, Ears and Heart. 50 point BONUS: How can you tell when someone is listening to you with their Heart?
Which three skills would be important in ANY career?: able to drive a truck speaks two languages responsible good with animals good cook friendly trustworthy able to play a musical instrument
responsible trustworthy friendly
A classmate is doing something that annoys you and your friend. Demonstrate all 5 steps of DEBUGing.
Decide to Ignore Exit or Walk Away Be Friendly Use a Firm Voice Get Help from an Adult
Body Safety: Bad secrets can make us feel worried, scared, or even sick. Name three adults you could tell a bad secret to.
(parent, teacher, counselor, babysitter, coach, grandparent, pastor...)
This year we read the Dr. Seuss book The Sneeches. We discussed why treating people differently because of how they look, or what they have or don't have, is wrong. Explain the difference between prejudice and discrimination.
Prejudice: an idea Discrimination: an action 100 point BONUS: What is segregation?
In Ready for Success lessons, we talk a lot about optimism. What are TWO things an optimist might say if their soccer game got cancelled?
(answers vary, finding the "good side")
Career Cafe is an opportunity for 3rd and 4th graders to meet working people from the Franklin Community, and learn about their careers. Who spoke at Career Cafe this year about their career as a teacher?
Mrs. Moran
Your friend is upset because someone said something mean to him/her. You and another friend are giving advice about how to handle it, what he/she should do or not do.
DEBUG avoid tattling play with classmates who are kind tell an adult IF it doesn't stop