The Q word that Shrub is considered to be.
What is a Queen?
a quote from someone who is Queen yet you must fear
Who is Shrub?
A Commonly used name by Shrub onto his sister. It sounds very similar to Haley.
What is Harry
Andrew's Favorite video and funniest to make In witch Andrew gets scarred for life and will ever recover. In the video, Kiki song is being heard. He states he is _____.
What is "I'm Traumatized"
After falling on his bottom Shrub muttered out these words
What is Dramatic pose
What position and "pose" is well liked by Andrew and Haley
What is T-Pose?
What two names are similar to Shrub but are very dumb compared to the name/word Shrub. (Hint:Shrub wants to not live when he sees this)
What are Bush and Hedge?
A name to call Haley cause she super gay lmao
What is Lesbian?
After hearing "you need JESUS" from his sister he fought back by yelling this on top of a giant stuffed bear and covered in a pink hearted blanket.
Another Word for Coffee. Based off of Haley's meme filled friends. it involves him having to make a video to show his rage of people using the term "Coffee"
What is Bean water
A four letter word describing how you feel after looking at a photo or video
What is MOOD oh yeah
This is a nickname commonly used to describe Andrew. This first appeared during a silly battle of words between Andrew and one of Haley's two friends in witch Andrew called the opposer a tree.
What is Shrub?
A commonly liked subject that she enjoys greatly, she is obsessed with this show/video series and is going to die like this. It is made in Japan
What is Anime
This Phrase comes from a video where Shrub takes a breath then yells at the camera for no apparent reason. He just Shrub. This Phrase includes Sugar-filled treats and typical "black Louisianan sayings". He says no to three different objects in order
What is "No Honey, NO sweetie, No PUMPKIN PIE"
The first photo ever sent to Haley's friends. It was a bit before the summer in April 2018, and only a limited few have seen or remembered it.
What is Andrew throwing a hula hoop with an angry face?
Name of the (non-official) Cops of the interwebs who brings people to meme jail for "Stealing those dank memes"
Who are the meme police
The First public mention of shrub starting to become the meme king. This video was showed on Shrubs Instagram until he later deleted his Instagram page. He was wearing a dank Domino's hat during the act.
What is that viral dabbing fail video?
Haley worst enemy over text. It is made by Apple to correct,Grammar, , annd, spelingg.
What is AutoCorrect?
Something dreadful said by Shrub to intimidate his opponents, however, this video was made about 4 and a half month ago. By starting out with "I am Shurb" he shows his confidence. While he ends it with a scream to show his rage. AUGHHHHH
What is "I am Shrub, Fear me AUGHHHH!"
The proud creator of
Graghnor Graphnor,
He's pretty chill, Graphnor
And so on...
Who is Larissa
Something dead that Shrub enjoys drawing in his free time. Shrub has a problem. It comes from a popular TV show and a brand called TWD.
What are Zombies?
Shrub's latest video as of making this Jeopardy game. (October 2nd,2018) In this video, it establishes his dominance. (Also to the current date of February 15th, 2019)
What is T-pose
Haley's favorite Shrub video
What is "Dramatic Pose"
A dreaded phrase that Shrub had no choice to have to say. An anime person thingy started the meme and Shrub had to end it, by dancing to it than saying it. god I hate people.
What is "kama kura kama kura yas queen!"
What is Shrub's Opinion?
What is a FACT?