What is the word for word translation of "Punjab"
Five Rivers
What city did Shubeg go to high school?
Who is the youngest officer in our club?
Pacific Ocean
What does SHSS stand for ?
Sikh Honors and Service Society
What is the most visited Gurudwara in Punjab?
The Golden Temple
What year did Shubeg begin to keep his Kes?
What is Tania's favorite color?
What song did Kendrick Lamar win the Grammys for?
They Not Like Us
What is the bigger movement with our SHSS clubs?
Jakara Movement
What is the most popular food in Punjab?
Sarson da Saag
Which Sikh historical figure is Shubeg named after?
General Shubeg Singh Ji
Where was the Gold Rush
Sacramento, California
Who is the SCUBA (Sac/Yuba) community organizer?
Beas, Chenab, Jhelum, Ravi, Sutlej
Italy is the lie
Which two officers were born outside of California?
What does Ms. Anderson teach?
What are the five K's?
Kara, Kachera, Kirpan, Kesh, Kanga
How many districts are in Punjab?
What does the name Shubeg Mean?
Shu- righteous, beh- warrior, Shubeg: a warrior that fights with righteousness
Where were Rose and Tanu born/raised?
New York
Which fruit is 98% made up of H20?
What is the symbol of Sikhism?
the Khanda