What is the cutest animal?
Baby animals
Who was the head teacher of Hogwarts?
whats our family name
What is one of the best Taylor Swift songs?
Bad Blood
When is Sonic 2 going to come out on TV?
Right now
What is the largest land animal?
Why is Malfoy so mean?
Because he is jealous of Harry Potter
whats our fav breakfast place [hint monkeys]
java hut
Whats rosie fav song from taytay
we are never getting back together LIKE EVER
Why is Sonic orange at the end of the movie?
Because he is holding the gem.
What's the smallest land animal?
Hog nosed bat
What are the 4 houses of Hogwarts?
Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor
where did we go on holiday last year
what is taytay born
Why is Tailz called Tailz?
Because he has two tails.
What's the ugliest animal?
Warthog or blobfish
Why did Harry Potter survive?
Because his mother and father sacrificed themselves for him.
whats mums old last name
whats the best song i think she made
bad blood
Why did Tailz come to Earth?
So he could warn Sonic about Knuckles
What is the most poisonous animal in the world?
Gila monster
Who teaches Potions?
Professor Snape
whats dads old last name
does she have cats yes or no
Why was Doctor Robonic aka the Eggman in the mushroom world?
Because Sonic there with his last ring.