What makes up the diencephalon
Thalmus & Hypothalmus
what is threshold for action potential
the membrane potential at which an action potential is triggered ( ~-55
two amino acid neurotransmitters
Glutmate and GABA
four zones on the nuron and where they corrpsond to.
Input, integration, Conduction, Output
two peptide nurotrramitters
Oxytocin, Vasopressin
What are parts of both the Limbic and Basal ganglia
Thalmus & Amygldilia
term for the return to resting potential after repolarization
final step in 7 steps of synaptic transmission
removal or inactivation of the neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft ( autorecptors and enzymes)
three uniqe types of nurons
Multipolar, Unipolar, Bipolar
Functional vs Metabolic, Cross-tolerance
Metabolic tolerance occurs when the body metabolizes drugs at an accelerated rate. a state where an individual experiences reduced effects from a substance, such as alcohol, despite having a similar blood alcohol concentration (BAC) as someone without tolerance
what separates the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes of the brain
Sylvian fissure
what is the makeup of the cell after repolarization (before the sodium-potassium pump)
more sodium inside more potassium outside
Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) are changes in membrane voltage that affect the likelihood of an action potential in a neuron
sagittal, vs coronal?
The sagittal plane divides the body into left and right halves, while the coronal plane divides the body into front and back halves
what langauce is my computer in?
what are the parts of the telecelephon
Cortex, Basal Ganglia, Limbic System
what is the ratio for the Sodium Potassium pump?
2 potassium in 3 sodium out
Ligand vs agonist vs antagonist
A "ligand" is any molecule that binds to a receptor, while an "agonist" is a ligand that activates a receptor to produce a biological response, and an "antagonist" is a ligand that binds to a receptor but does not activate it
which glial cell helps the blood brain barrier
Astrocytes and (kinda) microglia
what is the diasease model:
Substance abuse is a disease, and those suffering from it require medical care to help them.
Name three structures on the Limbic system ( not including the thalamus or amagydlia)
Cingulate gyrus, hypothalamus, hippocampus
Sodium Potassium Pump • Potassium channel (passive) • Voltage gated Sodium Channel • Voltage gated Potassium Channel
Ionotropic vs metabotropic
ionotropic receptors are ion channels that open directly in response to neurotransmitters, while metabotropic receptors indirectly affect ion channels
what glial cells myelinate to multiple nurons?
componets of the limbic system
Hippocampus, amyglia,thalmus, Hypothalamus, cingulate gyrus