SI Philosophy
Theory + Practice = Praxis
Responsibilities & Expectations
The SI Motto
What is, "Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand"?
The three core elements that must be present in every SI session.
What is an opener, collaborative learning activity, and closer?
Unless the student shares willingly and without request, I cannot see these.
What are student grades?
I MUST turn these in weekly, no exceptions.
What are sign-in sheets?
What happens first when debriefing a session observation.
What is let the SI leader comment first?
SI supports students in not only what to learn, but also ___________________.
What is, "how to learn?"
Three attendance strategies.
What are flyers, distribution list e-mails, Angel/Canvas message boards, candy-grams, incentives, study guides, in-class announcements, mini-session during class, build relationships, reminders on the board, personal invitations...?

Where I report students of concern, suspicion of cheating, or a student who may be experiencing or considering violence.

Who is the Ward, Marcella, Professor, and Campus Security?

If no one is present for my office hour, I do these things.
What are planning future SI sessions, practice difficult material, review my SI leader binder, research learning strategies and activities, develop new ice breakers...
The amount of time an SI leader waits for students during an SI session.
What is 15 minutes?
Anyone can learn anything with these three things.
What are "time on task, resources, and positive reinforcement"?
This should include opportunity to reflect, a call to action, or evaluation.
What is a closer?
The moral code or ethical policy of academia. This includes values such as avoidance of cheating or plagiarism.
What is academic integrity?
At least three things I should bring with me to an SI session.
What are session plan, sign-in sheet, SI leader binder, keys, and name badge?
Three reasons a student might not want to participate in a session.
What is lack of confidence, nervousness, discomfort with groups, language barrier, disinterest, doesn't know answer, didn't read that section, shy...?
Independent, self-directed learners are the result of breaking this.
What is the dependency cycle?
SI targets at-risk classes, not at risk students and is open to all students in order to reduce this social barrier to accessing academic support.
What is stigma associated with accessing academic support?
I do this regularly for each increment of time that I work on SI-related tasks, and never for time that I am not working SI related tasks.
What is log hours?

At least three reasons I would schedule time to see Marcella, Ward or an CLA Leads.

What are attendance concerns, to say hello, unclear about responsibilities, unsure how to respond to something that occurred in class or in an SI session, stuck in rut with the same activities, ice breaker ideas, missed a meeting...

What any passerby should NOT be able to identify in your SI session.
What is the SI leader?
A theory behind SI.
What is social interdependence theory/interpretive theory/critical theory/cognitivism/constructivism?
At least 3 collaborative learning activities that can be found in your notebook.
What are matrices, oral reading of lecture notes, timeline, visuals, clusters, turn to a partner, taboo, reciprocal questioning,two lies and a truth, verbal volleyball, first line only, send a problem, affinity grouping, boardwork model, peer lessons, memory, JEOPARDY, concept mapping, note cards...
This act gave students access to their education records, an opportunity to seek to have the records amended, and some control over the disclosure of information from the records. For example, one situation affected by this act would be school employees divulging information to anyone other than the student about the student's grades.
What is FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974)?
If I am no longer going to be an SI leader, I return these.
What are key and copy card (to building 1)?
This note-taking strategy involves the use of two columns.
What is the Cornell Method?