What color arrows represent warm water?
The lowest part of the wave is called the _____.
Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the ____ and the ____.
Moon; Sun
Coral reefs, kelp forests, and sea grasses are the three types of marine communities of _____-____ biomes.
Climate pattern that occurs across the tropical Pacific Ocean every 3-7 years.
El Niño
What color arrows represent cold water?
The highest part of the wave is called the _____.
Most areas of Earth have how many tides per day?
Rocky shores, sandy beaches, mangrove forests, and salt marshes are all examples of _____ biomes.
The ____ stream brings warm water from the Caribbean and the U.S. coasts across to Europe.
Process when surface currents move water away from the continents it is replaced by water from greater depths
Coastal Upwelling
The difference between the trough and the crest is the _____ _______.
Wave height
A _____ tide is when the sun, moon, and Earth form a line, and the tidal range is maximal.
The open ocean includes free-swimming animals collectively called ______.
What are the 2 major types of tides?
Slack & Ebb
The _______ Current brings cool conditions almost to the equator along the western coast of South America.
The _____ ______ is the distance from one crest to the next.
Wave length
A _____ tide is when the sun, moon, and Earth are at a 90º angle, and the tidal range is minimal.
Prop roots and Pneumatophores (A.K.A. aerial roots) are some adaptations of _______.
The ______ Current brings cool conditions almost to the equator along the western coast of South America.
The _____ stream transports about 1.4 petawatts of heat, equivalent to one hundred times the world’s energy supply.
The _____ is the distance of open water that the wind has blown over.
The tidal _____, the difference between the high and low tides, varies over a two-week cycle.
____ ______ have a distinct zonation with more salt tolerant species in the low marsh closer to the shore.
When is Exam 1?
Wednesday, Feb. 12