Name 1 thing you like about your sibling.
Bonus: if you can name more than 1 you get double the points.
Your sibling took your iPad without asking. What do you do?
Bonus:What shouldn't you do.
Name this Minecraft character.
You both want the same seat in the car. What do you do?
Name 1 thing that upsets you that your sibling does that you wish would stop.
Bonus: Express in positive way for double the points.
Your dad told you to clean the living room but you weren't the only one to make the mess. What do you do?
Bonus: What is something you shouldn't do?
Name the Minecraft character.
You both want to play a different game outside but want to try to play together. What do you do?
Name 3 positives things you can do in an argument.
Bonus: Name 3 things you shouldn't do in an argument.
You're frustrated that your sibling is being too loud. How can you express that in a positive way?
Bonus:What would be a negative way of acting?
You don't feel like your siblings are spending any time with you just each other. What can you say to them?
Name that Minecraft character.
Your mom said you have to clean the bonus room before going outside to play with friends. What can you do?
Practice an I statement.
I feel_____ when you______. Can you please_____.
Name 1 strength that your sibling has.
Bonus: If you can name 3 you get double the points.
Your friends are mean to your sibling. What do you do?
How did they create the Endermen language?
By playing the English language backwards.
You both want the last piece of candy. How do you compromise?
Practice the 5 senses exercise.
Name 1 activity you'd like to do with your sibling.
You got into an argument with your sibling. How can you make things better and move on?
What was Minecraft almost called?
Cave Game
You both want to play on the playstation at the same time. How do you compromise?
You're feeling really angry. What can you do to cope?