Where was SDT founded?
Cornell University
How many pearls are on our pin?
What is the acronym for our founders?
Who is our president?
Who is Mia's big and twin?
Big - Ren Klunk
Twin - Eva Calabrese
When was SDT founded?
March 25th, 1917
What is the SDT jewel?
Lapis Lazuli
What is SDTs national philanthropy?
Who is in charge of slating? (name and position)
Ashley out VP Ops
How are Tori and Emily related? And name the person who relates us directly.
Emily's twin is Tori's big
Caroline :)
What are the SDT colors?
Cafe au Lait and Old Blue
What is the SDT motto? (they changed it...)
Shine as One
Who was the only man to wear our torch pin?
Brother Nat
Name all 9 executive board positions.
President, VP Ops, VP Finance, VP Recruitment, VP ME, VP Scholarship, VP Risk, VP Philanthropy, Panhel Delegate
When is Mia Bradshaws birthday? (hint: it falls on a holiday)
January 1st (new years day)
What is the SDT flower?
the yellow tea rose
What are the meanings of each of our pearls?
alumnae, retreat, panhellenic, philanthropy, sisterhood, and community service
Name all the founders.
Dora, Amy, Marian, Grace, Inez, Regene, and Lenore
What is the one position that is not considered exec or gen and who holds it?
Standards chair - Emily Berrott
How many people are in my family tree? (that have not graduated yet)
9 people
Ren, Mia, Eva, Caroline, Emily, Thais, Tori, Alex, and Nadia
What is the SDT symbol?
a torch
what is our motto in Latin?
Patriae Multae Spes Una
What was the sorority originally named before they realized another Greek organization already had the name?
Sigma Delta Phi
Name 7 (out of 13) general board position.
social media, housing, membership selection, informal recruitment/cob, sisterhood, event planning, mental health and wellness, external philanthropy, community service, alumnae engagement, assistant VP NME, junior panhel delegate, DEI
Tori and her little Nadia were both born in July of 2005. Who is older? And by how many days is this person older?
Tori is older by 13 days
(Tori's birthday is on the 7th and Nadia's is on the 20th)