Virtualization & Containerization

CAT6 introduces a string to assist with removing the outer shielding.

What is a ripcord?


This newly added plastic divider was added in the CAT6 standard to further prevent crosstalk between wires.

What is a Spline?


The process of managing and provisioning computer systems through machine-readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools.

What is "Infrastructure as Code"?


This is the Greek word for a ship’s captain. We get the words Cybernetic and Gubernatorial from it.

What is Kubernetes?


Name one character from "The Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes" book.

Who is:

Captain Kube
(Unnamed Whale)
(Unnamed shipmates)


A full rack is measured in "U" units. One "U" is 1.75 inches (44.45mm). This number of "U" is also known as full rack height.

What is 42U?


This type of network is often paired with network clients that allows clients to connect to other networks in different geographical locations remotely over a secure tunnel.

What is a "VPN"? (Virtual Private Network)


This software tool automates software provisioning, configuration management and application deployment. It utilizes a pre-installed credential to interact with a target machine. The software facilitates how you push out configuration and runs commands as if you were running them directly on the machine.

What is "Ansible"?


This classification of hypervisors are native or bare-metal hypervisors. This requires the hypervisor to be the base layer interacting with the physical hardware.

What is a "Type-1" hypervisor?


How many monitors are currently part of the monitor wall in the ACM?

Twenty monitors.


Server hardware uses special hardware for out-of-band communication and management of a physical server. Often times, it DOES NOT require the server to be powered on, just plugged in.

What is an out-of-band management console?

What is Integrated Lights-Out(iLO) (HP)?

What is Dell Remote Access Controller(DRAC) (Dell)?

What is Intelligent Platform Management Interface(IPMI)?


This CLI utility interacts with the kernel network stack to administrate IPv4/6 packet filtering and Network Address Translation (NAT).

What is "IPTables"/"firewall-cmd"/"ufw"?


In Terraform, this code block describes one or more infrastructure objects, such as virtual networks, compute instances, or higher-level components such as DNS records.

What is a "Terraform Resource"?


This technique provides a VM that completely simulates the underlying hardware.

What is "Full Virtualization"?


The communication protocol is used for controlling, monitoring, and diagnosing coffee pots.

What is "Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol"? RFC 2324. (HTCPCP)



In a data center, a slightly higher floor is constructed above the building's original concrete slab floor, leaving the open space between the two floors for wiring or cooling infrastructure.

What is a "raised floor system"?


This module in IPTables allows you to specify specific rules by tracking the state of the connection between clients.

What is the "Conntrack/Connstate" module?


In order for Terraform to reconcile the status of the current infrastructure, Terraform uses this to keep track of actual infrastructure and previously known deployed infrastructure.

What is "Terraform State"?


A Linux kernel feature that limits, accounts for, and isolates the resource usage (CPU, memory, disk I/O, network, etc.) of a collection of processes.

What are `cgroups`?


A process whose execution is completed but it still has an entry in the process table. This usually occurs for child processes, as the parent process still needs to read its child’s exit status, but has not done so yet.

What is a "Zombie Process"?


SATA is a protocol used to move data to and from computer-storage devices such as hard drives. This protocol can be used to move data faster by parallelizing read-write operations.

What is SAS? (Serial Attached SCSI)

What is NVMe? (Nonvolatile memory express)


This standard defines the manner in which network devices are able to consume and inject up to 100W of power into network cables. This technology in general is commonly called PoE (Power over Ethernet).

What is IEEE 802.2bt (PoE++ - Up to 100W (type4) / 60W (type3))?

What is IEEE 802.3at (PoE+ - Up to 30W)?

What is IEEE 802.3af (PoE - Up to 15W)?


This tool can be used the test Ansible roles. It allows you to define multiple scenarios to test your playbook and roles in different environments and settings.

What is "Molecule"?


Many generalized hypervisors provide this type of virtualization to increase performance. A guest OS is usually modified to directly invoke hypervisor APIs to provide equivalent features as real hardware.

What is "paravirtualization"?


How often are mainline Linux Kernel releases?

Every 2-3 months. 

Linux 6.3 was just merged and released this weekend (April 23rd, 2023).
