When was SGRho founded?
November 12, 1922
When was the chapter charted?
December 17, 2023
How many founders are there?
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
Cornell University
I am my sisters keeper...
I am my Sister's keeper
What she does, I do
What she knows, I know
If she's unable to do it, so am I
If she doesn't know, neither do I.
We are One,
All for One,
One for All,
Or none.
I shall never forget this
As long as I shall live
Sigma's stay together
Win together,
Lose together
And die together
If I am to keep this as my motto,
Then I can be a true Sigma
Where was SGRho founded?
Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana
Cerita Burrell
Who created the sorority pin?
Cubena McClure
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Howard University
No One...
No one can DO IT like we can
We are the BADDEST in the land
We are the educated, motivated,
Skin tight, more hype,
Hardworking, blood sweating,
All up in your world wreaking
Ladies of SGRho
Ladies of SGRho
Ladies of SGRho
Ladies of SGRho
What are the 5 divisions of SGRho?
Central, Northeastern, Southeastern, Southwestern, Western
Who is the Vice-President?
Dr. GiGi Griffin-Earnest
Who wrote the sorority pledge?
Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Indiana University
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Howard University
Blue & Gold
I been working for my SGRho
And I'll keep working til my body gets old
If you wanna know about my soul
Yes, my soul is blue and gold
I been working for my SGRho
And I'll keep working til my body gets old
If you wanna know about my soul
Yes, my soul is blue and gold
What are the sorority colors?
Royal Blue & Gold
Who is the Parliamentarian?
Stephanie Reid
Who received two degrees from Butler University?
Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Howard University
Deep in My Heart...
Deep in my heart
You know that I
I love my blue and gold
All that I know
Is there ain't nothing like
Like an SGRho
When was SGRho Incorporated?
December 30, 1929
Who is the Treasurer?
Dr. Essence Johnson
Who are our founders?
Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little
Dorothy Hanley Whiteside
Vivian White Marbury
Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson
Hattie Mae Annette Dulin Redford
Bessie Mae Downey Rhoades Martin
Cubena McClure
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity
Howard University
Don't Quit...
When people pull you down –And often times they
When the battle you’re fighting seems all up-hill,
When your funds are low and your debts high,
When you’re laughing although you’d rather cry,
When you feel yourself slowing down a bit
Take a deep breath... But don’t you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out. The silver tint
in the cloud of doubt.
You can never tell how close you are.
You may be near when it seems afar.
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit.
It’s when things go wrong when we must not quit.