Alpha Phi Alpha
The motto
Culture for Service and Service for Humanity
Hon. Big Bro A. Langston Taylor (1st President)
Hon. Big Bro Leonard F. Morse
Hon. Big Bro Charles I. Brown
A, B, Γ ,
Δ , E
Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon
Zeta Phi Beta
White Carnation (Purity
The 5 types of chapters
Undergraduate, Alumni, Omega, Distinguished Service, Alian Leory Locke
International Leadership
Int. President: Hon. Big Bro Chris V. Rey
Int. Secretary/Executive Director: Philip Cockrall "Flapp"
Int. Treasurer: Bro. William Frasier Jr.
Z, H,
Θ , I, K
Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota Kappa
Kappa Alpha Psi
Royal Blue and Pure White
The 5th of the 12-inch rules
The virtue of patience
Chapter President
Big Bro Clifton Wilson
Λ, M, N,
Ξ, O
Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Red Carnation
New Blood in fraternity
The 9 of the 13 rays
Ivorite Lorimer Scrugges, Walter T. Tibbs, Jacob E. Jones, James R. Howard, Samuel P. Massie, William F. Vincent, Bennie L. Matthews, Toussaint L. Alston, Joseph R. Franklin
Zeta Phi Beta Founders
Arizona Cleaver Stemons, Pearl Anna Neal, Myrtle Tyler Faithful, Viola Tyler Goings, Fannie Pettie Watts
Π, P,
Σ, T, Y
Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon
Phi Beta Sigma
O Sigma Dear, Thou hast for years...
led brave men strong and free.
The books on the shield represent
Knowledge to be acquired, Knowledge being acquired, Knowledge that has been acquired
South Regional Director
Bro Kenneth Straughter "Sarge"
Φ, X,
Ψ, Ω
Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega