This sign is also one of The Beatles' famous song.
What is yesterday?
This facial expression is used to puff the cheeks along with a sign.
What is the concept of 'very'? (very big/large, very heavy)
This is the sign for right/correct and wrong.
How do you sign RIGHT/WRONG?
This sign has an X handshape and a B/5 handshape to indicate the idea of it.
What is the sign for price/cost?
The ASL sign that can be used to show the opposite of positive. It can be placed before or after a verb.
What is the sign for NOT?
This sign is also a famous rapper from Atlanta, GA.
What is Future?
A facial response that needs to be used during the whole phrase. The signs along with it may be dropped from the response.
What are a positive nod of the head and the negative marker?
This 4 vocabulary falls in the category of 'academia'.
What is school, residential school, college/university, and class?
These two signs show the idea of the price range of a purchase that is either too little or way too much.
What is expensive and cheap?
This sign is used with two pointer handshapes to express a negative word.
What is the ASL sign for Cannot/ Can't?
These are the signs for the days of the week.
Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.
This eyebrow expression is unique when asking a yes/no question.
When do you raise your eyebrows as a grammatical feature?
This sign can help me get into many events like movies, sports matches, music concerts, comedy shows.
What is the sign for ticket?
The number that comes after the twisted movement implies cents. This shortcut is a way to show the price of my purchase without using the words dollars and cents.
What is the number incorporation of 'bucks'? (that will be four- fifty, please?)
This facial feature is used to express a negative statement or question. It can be used by itself or with a negative manual sign.
What is the role of the negative headshake as a grammatical feature?
This movement change in most timeline ASL signs to indicate an adjective of recurring at intervals of.
what does "-ly" translate in ASL for day, week, month, and annual?
These grammatical features are used during a question format. It needs to be used throughout the sentence.
What is a question, that uses squeezed or eyebrows up, lean forward, tilt head and eye contact?
These two signs show my understanding/misunderstanding of a signing conversation. It can be used while someone else chats.
What are the signs for OH-I-SEE and HUH?
This concept has three different ways to be signed. It is fingerspelled, incorporated, and a sign.
How many ways does the sign 'dollars' are there?
These four ASL manual signs have an incorporation indicator that will change the meaning of a positive manual sign. It can be modified using a twisting outward motion.
What does the negative incorporation of want, know, like, and care have in common?
This date of birth is your teacher's.
What is June 7, (1986)?
This facial expression is used to indicate a specific sentence structure that has the object at the beginning of the sentence. It is commonly used in ASL.
What is the topic-comment (or OSV) sentence structure?
These are the places that Betty and Jack are from. (refer to Dialogue 1).
Who are Indiana and Minnesota?
This minimal pair has a movement difference. It has the same handshape, location & palm orientation.
What is the difference between the signs: money and buy/purchase?
Create this sentence of 5 ASL vocabulary signs. Must includes a negative feature.