To consider or think over carefully
This animal ate all of Matt's supplies.
What is a bear?
Matt and Attean both have this kind of sibling.
What is a younger sister?
A group of Native Americans is called this.
What is a tribe?
What is his rifle?
Showing lack of interest
Matt mainly survived off of this animal when he was responsible for his own food.
What is fish?
In both cultures, these people are responsible for cooking the food and minding the children.
Who are women?
Native Americans believe you should not do this to any part of an animal.
What is waste?
Matt kept track of the days and weeks by doing this.
What is notching sticks?
Lacking in quantity or quality
Matt earns Attean's grandmother's respect by doing this.
What is saving Attean's dog from a trap?
Matt's father gives him this heirloom before he returns to Quincy.
What is a silver watch?
In Attean's village, this was what the men hunted with.
What is a gun?
Ben did this to Matt.
What is stole his gun?
Filled with dignified anger
Matt tried to take the product of this creature from the tree.
What are bees?
Matt's family was delayed because they all contracted this disease.
What is typhus?
Native Americans do this to mark their hunting territory.
What is carve symbols in trees?
Matt only has these two books in his cabin.
What are the Bible and Robinson Crusoe?
That which cannot be understood
What is incomprehensible?
Matt used this animal to distract the bear in the woods.
What is a rabbit?
Matt made these things in preparation for his siblings' arrival.
What are a doll and a cradle?
Attean's mother was killed by this group of people.
Who are colonists?
Matt thought of Attean as this discriminatory word when he first met him.
What is a savage?