In the beginning he is polite but careless.
Who is Matt?
The heavy body brushed aside the cobwebs as though they were cobwebs.
What is a simile?
His father had really gone. He was alone, with miles of Maine wilderness. He turned and looked back at the log house. Behind the cabin were the mounds of corn he had helped to plant.
What is setting?
Was he being foolish and stubborn? Wasn't gong with them the wisest thing he could have done? Wouldn't his father have understood?
What is tough questions?
a square of material that covers the area below the waist.
What is a breechcloth
Who is Attean?
With a furious buzzing they came pouring from the broken hole. The humming grew to a roar.
What is onomatopoeia?
Matt must remain behind to protect the cabin unti his father returns with the family. He must survive on his own.
What is the conflict?
Suddenly he realized he was happy, as he had never been in the weeks since Attean had gone away. He was no longer afraid of the winter ahead.
What is aha moment?
to clumsily or with difficulty
What is hobbled?
Chief of the Beaver tribe.
Who is Saknis?
The lump in Matt's throat felt as big as the watch.
What is a simile?
Ben steals Matt's rifle. Then a bear breaks in Matt's cabin and steals his food. Finally, Matt climbs a tree to get honey from an bee hive and gets stung.
What is rising action?
"Bees are better left alone," Pa said.
What is words of the wiser?
a formal agreement between people
What is a treaty?
Hates white people.
Attean's grandmother.
...the chatter of squirrels, and the whine and twang of thousands of insects.
What is onomatopoeia?
Friendship is a valuable thing.
What is theme?
This was part of the plan the family had worked out together in the long winter of 1768, sitting by the lamp light around the pine table back in Massachusetts.
What is memory moment?
picky or fussy
What is finicky?
Attean's sister's name.
Who is Marie?
Thinking of his father, he felt that snake of worry crawling about behind every other thought.
What is a metaphor?
He stood still, his heart pounding. Then he finally began to run. "Pa!" he choked. "Pa!"
What is the climax.
"Cut up meat, then carry. Squaw work," Attean answered.
What is again and again?
a feeling of sadness
What is ruefully?