What Native tribe did Atten live in?
Atten lived in the Beaver Clan tribe.
What was Atten's dogs name?
How old is Matt??
Why did Matt's dad leave him?
So he can go back to Quincy to get the rest of the family and Matt had to stay there to protect there ground.
Why did Atten and Matt kill the mamma bear?
They didn't want to kill her because she had a cub but they had to for safety reasons.
What kind of houses did the Beaver Clan live in?
They lived in wigwams\longhouses.
Did Atten have any siblings?
Yes he had a sister named Marie.
What town did Matt live in before he moved?
What books did the family have at the cabin?
Robinson Crusoe and the bible.
Why did Matt leave the fox in the trap?
He didn't want to let it go and have to suffer.
Why did the Beaver Clan move?
They were going on the big hunt like normal but didn't come back because there were too many white people moving into the area.
What did Atten say to Matt after they killed the bear?
"You fast like indian".
How did Matt meet Atten and Sakins?
Matt was trying to get some honey from a tree when the bees chased him into the river and they saved him.
When did Matt's family arrive?
They arrived at the end of fall beginning of winter.
What did Matt trow at the bear?
He trew the bunny.
Why did Sakins invite Matt to the village?
He invited him because he had helped Attean kill the bear.
Did Attean find his manitu?
No Attean did not find his manitu?
How did Matt lose the gun?
Ben stole the gun when he was sleeping.
What did Matt make for the baby?
Matt made a cradle for the baby that didn't show up.
What did Matt stab the bear with?
He stabbed it with his knife.
Why did Attean's grandma hate white people?
She hated white people because they killed her daughter.
What did Attean teach Matt to make?
He taught him how to make fish hook, a bow and arrow, and a snare.
What did Matt eat for food?
He mostly ate fish because he lost his gun.
Why was Matt's family so late to arrive?
His mom had the baby and it got sick and a few days later the baby died.
What does Matt kill with the bow?
He killed the bunny with the bow.