Who is matts friend
Who is attean
Attean is a little indiana boy who is learning how to read
What is Matt's little brothers name
how did the book get its title
The book got its title by when they went into the forrest and found the beaver sign
Who stole Matts rifle
Ben lummos
how did attean get his Manitou
he got his manitou by going into the woods and building a wigwam and then staying in the wigwam for a while
How did matt and attean almost die
Attean and matt almost died by when they were wrestiling around and found one of ben lummo's trap
the resson The windows weren't made of glass is
Beacuse at the time glass was sold from britan and this is close torevoultionary war
Who is matts sister
What did attean teach matt to make
A snare
What was diffrent about the movie then the book
The whole movie had almost all the scenes with ben
What did Matt recive from attean
Were did matt use to live
What is atteans grandfathers name
Who was watching matt when his dad left
Why did Atteans grandmother change her attiude
beacuse matt saved atteans dog
What took Matt's family so long
his family got the flu
How did atteans mom die
By white settelers
Who helped matts family find the cabin
Ben lummos
What is atteans tribe