Who is Ben?
What is a simile?
What is grandson?
In this region they hunt whales and made canoes from cedar trees.
What is Northwest Coast?
This is how the bees came to America.
What is the colonists brought them from England?
Matt's father left him in the __________ woods to go to __________, __________ to get the rest of the family and bring them back.
What is Maine?
What is Quincy, Massachusetts?
"Then, with a whoop, they raced all together through the stockade gate down to the river and went leaping like frogs in the water."
What is onomatopoeia?
Attean was responding to this when he said, "White man not smart like Indian. Indian not need thing from ship. Indian make all thing he need."
What is, the book Robinson Crusoe?
In this region they made houses out of adobe clay and weaved beautiful baskets.
Who are the southwest Indians?
Name 2 reasons why Native Americans were no longer occupying the eastern woods in great numbers.
This is the reason that Saknis wanted Attean to learn to read.
What is 'to be able to read the treaties they signed with the white man'?
"Coming back through the woods he marveled at his own tracks, like the claw prints of a giant bird."
What is a simile?
The word the Indians use for "spirit".
What is manitou?
Who are the Eastern Woodland Indians?
This is the century that this story takes place.
What is the 1700's or the 18th Century?
This is the reason that Matt regretted making the crib for the baby.
What is 'because the baby had died of typhus'?
"Thinking of his father, he felt that snake of worry crawling about behind every other thought."
What is a metaphor?
Translate this word: Medabe
These Indians lived on flat land and moved around a lot following the buffalo herds.
Who are the Plains Indians?
This is "the finest thing his father had ever possessed."
What is his watch?
This is the gift that Attean gives Matt.
What is his dog?
"a shadow that would not show itself"
What is personification?
Translate: Piz Wat
Choose a word that would describe all the regions of Indians in the US.
What is diverse?
What is a cornhusk doll?