What is something that Attean teaches Matt to help him catch more food?
Making a snare (trap), spear fishing, how to make a proper bow.
Why was Matt's bow incorrect?
He used the wrong wood
What is the setting of the story?
The woods in Maine
Who helped Matt when he got stung by a bunch of bees?
Two Native Americans
What is Matt's favorite book?
Robinson Crusoe
Filthy, scrawny, dirty
Who is Matt's father going to get?
Trying to get honey.
How does Attean feel about Matt teaching him to read?
He hates it and does not want to participate
Make up on the spot
What does Matt's father leave behind for him?
Rifle, Bible, Watch
What are the "secret" signs in the woods for?
To help Native Americans keep track of where they have been
Why was Matt happy at the beginning of the day of Matt and Attean's adventure?
He caught his first rabbit
to save
Ben stole it
Why was Matt mad at himself about the bear getting into the cabin?
He was careless.
What was the problem with Matt's bow?
It was poorly made and did not shoot well.
Describe Matt and Attean's encounter with the bear.
to draw back or tense the body - flinch away from pain
What does Matt want from Attean?