Why does Matt's father leave him alone in the wilderness?
Matt's father needed to go back to Quinch to get the rest of the family. Matt was left to guard their new home.
Why was it so important for Matt to keep the fire from burning out?
To cook a meal for himself once or twice a day.
What was the relationship with the Indians in the area?
There had been no Indian attacks in this part of Maine since the last treaty with the tribes.
The novel begins as Matt watches his father disappear into the wilderness on a trek to ___________
Quincy, Massachusetts
In what year did Sign of the Beaver take place?
(A) 1999
(B) 1768
(C) 1888
What two gifts does Matt's father give him before Matt's father leaves?
Matt's father gives him a rifle and a watch.
How does Matt start fires?
He gets his flint and scratches it on a rock.
He goes to the cabin in search of a meal and a night's sleep.
Matt is left with provisions and two important items, a prized rifle and an __________
heirloom watch
How long did Matt's father plan to be away?
(A) 6 or 7 weeks
(B) 2 weeks
(C) 6 or 7 months
Why does Matt's father tell him to cut notches on sticks?
Why does Matt's father tell him to cut notches on sticks?
What advice about does Matt's father give him about relating with Indians?
He should treat them as if they were the minister back home.
He lies to Ben, telling him that his father is due back that evening.
Matt's father also advises him to keep track of the passing weeks by making _____________
notches on sticks
How did Matt provide food for himself?
(A) He hunted deers.
(B) He asked for his friend's help.
(C) He fished.
Why are these gifts so important?
The watch was the finest thing his father possessed. He is supposed to wind it every time he puts a notch on a stick. The rifle was his father's best rifle. It is the first sign that his father is uneasy about leaving Matt alone.
What did Matt miss that he didn't think he would miss?
Somebody to talk to.
Although there have been no Indian attacks in this part of Main since the last treaty with the tribes, Matt can't forget the firghtening tales he's heard. And he sometimes feels _____________________
that someone is watching him from the forest.
What does Matt lose to Ben?
(A) His watch.
(B) His rifle.
(C) His food.
In addition to making notches on the sticks, what other chores did Matt have to take care?
Guard the cabin and tend to the corn patch. Chinking the spaces between the logs with clay from the creek bank. Cut down the trees from the edge of the clearing. Clear the underbrush. Chop the wood and stack it in the woodpile.
Why does Matt find it hard to trust Ben?
Ben was a complete stranger, and his ways made Matt feel uncomfortable. Matt was not sure of Ben's reason for leaving the town on the river. He could be a murderer. Besides, he ate so hungrily that Matt was not sure his food would hold out if Ben Stayed.
Late one afternoon, Matt has a unexpected visitor. The name of the visitor is _____________
What does Matt lose to the bear?
(A) The bear eats or ruins the flour, molasses, and salt.
(B) The bear destroyed his rifle.
(C) None of the above.