This is Matt and his family live before moving to the Maine wilderness.
Quincy, Massachussetts
Matt decides to take this risk in Ch. 5 in order to add flavor to his food.
Get honey from a bee hive
What does Attean bring with him to the first lesson (for Matt)?
food (a rabbit)
How does Attean teach Matt to catch food without using a gun?
Make snares
Attean brings a "visitor" to Matt's house (starting in Chapter 10). Who is it?
His dog
This is the reason why Matt's mother and sister stayed behind while Matt and his father traveled to Maine
His mother is pregnant.
At first the bees do not mind Matt, what happens that agitates the hive.
Matt accidentally breaks off a piece of bark that gets the hive all riled up.
What book does Matt need to teach Attean to read?
Robinson Crusoe
What is the first animal Matt catches in his snares?
Attean lures Matt deep in the forest. Why?
Why does Matt let Ben into his home?
His father told him to treat people politely. At this point in time you take care of others because it is the right thing to do.
Matt hides in the water to escape the bees, this is a good strategy except this happens which almost costs him his life
His feet were tangled in the weeds and he hurt his leg while trying to get free.
In chapter 7 why does Attean think that the word "arm" is written all over the page?
While teaching Matt says, "A is for arm" so he assumes that the letter a means arm.
In Robinson Crusoe, what is Attean's reaction when Friday bow down at Robinson's feet?
"An Indian would never bow to a white man"
"Rather die, than be a slave"
What lesson does Attean teach Matt once in the new part of the forest?
How to mark a trail, without being obvious.
Before Ben stole the rifle, Matt was very suspicious of him. What did Ben do or sat that made him feel this way?
He was wanted in the river town. He was also creeping around the cabin in a manner that made him feel uncomfortable.
While helping Matt recover, name 2 nice things that Saknis does for Matt.
Gives him moccasins, made him a crutch, and provides food.
While reading Robinson Crusoe, Attean comments that "White man not smart like Indian" upon hearing that he collects supplies from the ship. Why does he feel this way?
Indians could make anything they need for survival.
Matt decides to lie about Friday and Robinson's relationship for the rest of the book, why?
Attean would never read it if Friday was a slave.
How is the bow that Attean teaches Matt how to make different than the one he creates himself?
Its much better, shoots stronger and take strength to use. It is more accurate as well.
Matt's carelessness allowed a bear to enter his home and eat his food supplies including a keg of this delicious, sticky substance that Matt had brought to flavor his food.
Why does Saknis want Matt to teach Attean to read?
White man treaties are written in words so it would be beneficial to know how to do it.
In this chapter Matt decides to skip teaching the letter B and to read some of the book to Attean. Why?
To try and get him more interested, and the lesson for A didn't go well.
While fishing Matt loses his hook. What does Attean do?
Teaches him how to make one out of wood.
How does Matt feel about Attean?
He wants to earn his respect.