Part 1: What was "tracked all over the cabin floor" when Matt's second visitor arrives?
Part 2: Who was this visitor?
What is flour.
Who is a bear.
What book does Matt use to teach Attean?
What is Robinson Crusoe.
What does Attean teach Matt how to make that helps him to fish?
What is how to make a fish hook out of maple saplings.
What do Attean and Matt find stuck in a metal trap?
What is a fox.
How old is Matt when his father leaves him?
Bonus 100: Evidence from the text page number
What is 12.
Bonus 100: page 6
What does Matt climb a tree to "visit" that causes him great danger?
What are bees.
What does Attean do with the book the first day Matt begins to teach him?
What is "knocked the book from the table" (34-35).
What chore does Matt do that Attean stands and watches?
What is pulling up weeds.
When Robinson Crusoe was finished, what book did Matt start to read to Attean?
What is the Bible.
Part 1: How did Matt keep track of time?
Part 2: How long was his father supposed to be gone for?
What is notches on sticks.
What is 6-7 weeks.
Who rescues Matt from the pond?
Who is Saknis.
How does Matt finally get Attean to be interested in the book?
What is he skips ahead to the part about the storm at sea.
What secret sign(s) does Attean use to make sure he does not get lost in the woods?
What is stacking up stones or bending small trees.
"Always make signs to show way back" (57).
True or False:
Attean's dog is on the great adventure when they run into the bear.
What is false.
Matt has many "visitors." Who was the first visitor at his log cabin?
Who is Ben.
What do the beaver women make for Matt that "were handsome and new, of moosehide, dark and glistening with grease" (29)?
What is a pair of moccasins (shoes).
What is the first thing that Attean teaches Matt to do?
What is making snares to catch rabbit.
Attean helps Matt make what special tool in chapter 12?
What is a bow and arrows.
What does Matt throw at the bear?
What is a rabbit.
Matt's father was fond of saying certain things over and over like, "Indians take great stock in politeness. Should you meet one, speak to him just the same as to the minister back home" (pg 9).
What was Matt's father giving him that later he wished he could have more of?
What is advice.
In exchange for being taken care of, Matt is asked to do what for Attean?
Bonus: Why is it so important Attean learns how?
What is to teach him to read.
Bonus: Saknis wants Attean to learn to read so he does "not give away hunting grounds" (31).
What was the problem in the story that caused Attean to spring "to his feet, a thundercloud wiping out all pleasure from his face" (43).
What is the prisoner "kneels down to white man."
Attean taught Matt about many secret signs to find your way home when travelling through the forest. List at least 2.
Bonus: List all 3 for extra 100 points
What is...
a broken stick leaning in the direction of the creek
small stone set on a larger one
tuft of grass dangling from a branch
What compliment does Attean give to Matt after he kills the bear?