When adding or subtracting, the answer should be rounded to match.
What is the same number of decimal places as the number in the problem with the fewest?
When multiplying or dividing, the answer should be rounded to.
What is the same amount of significant figures as the number in the problem with the fewest?
Convert 13 inches to centimeters. ( 1 in = 2.54 cm)
What is 33 cm?
A valid measurement includes.
What is all the certain digits and one estimated digit?
When 12.0 mL + 9.001 mL is calculated, the sum should have this many decimal places.
What is 1 decimal place?
When 70.00 cm x 9.5 cm, the quotient should be rounded to this many significant figures.
What is 2 significant figures?
Convert 5670 m to kilometers.
What is 5.67 km?
Read the measurement. (Assume milliliters)
What is 2.65 mL?
The difference between 8.325 mg - 0.0023 mg.
What is 8.323 mg?
The quotient of 69,578 g / 9.0 mL.
What is 7,700 g/mL or 7.7 x 103 g/mL?
Convert 2.33 minutes to seconds.
What is 1.40 x 102 s or 140. s?
Read the measurement. (Assume centimeters.)
What is 16.20 cm?
The sum of 1.23 x 10-3 kg + 3 x 10-3 kg is.
What is 4 x 10-3 kg or 0.004 kg?
The product of (9.8865 x 105 cm) x (6 x 103 cm).
What is 6 x 109 cm2 or 6,000,000,000 cm2?
Convert 2.40 qt to mL. (1 L = 1.057 qt)
What is 2270 mL or 2.27 x 102 mL?
Read the measuring device. (Assume mL)
What is 24.0 mL?
The difference between 8.054 x 101 g - 7.11 x 101 g is.
What is 9.4 g?
The product of (2.3450 x 103 cm) (1.00 x 101 cm).
What is 2.35 x 104 cm2?
Convert 25.0 miles per hour to meters per second. (1 km = 0.6214 mi)
What is 11.0 m/s?
Read the measurement. (Assume degrees C)
What is -18.0 degrees C?